Full Stack Web Development with MERN Bootcamp with Job Assistance [English]
MERN Web Development Course Key Highlights
Join 43,700+ learners enrolled in TechVidvan’s MERN Web Development Course
Start 📅 01-Mar-2025 |
Schedule 🕗 8 PM IST | 09.30 AM EST (Sat-Sun) |
Access Duration 🕗 Lifetime Access |
Price |
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Bootcamp + Guaranteed Job Assurance with Money Back + Resume Prep + Interview Prep + Mock Interview + Internship + Job/Placement Prep + Additional Real-time Projects + LOR + Lifetime upgrade + Lifetime support | Enroll Now |
MERN Web Development Course Curriculum
- Introduction to HTML and Basic Tags
- Working with HTML Entities
- Embedding Images in HTML
- Creating Lists in HTML
- Hyperlinks and Navigation
- Designing Tables in HTML
- Creating Forms in HTML
- Integrating iframes
- Semantic Elements in HTML
- Using Meta Tags and Multimedia
- Understanding <div>, <span>, and HTML5 Enhancements
- Text Formatting Tags in HTML
- Introduction to CSS and Syntax
- Adding CSS to HTML Pages
- Utilizing Classes, IDs, and Borders
- Background Properties and Multiple Values
- Managing Margins and Padding
- Working with Fonts in CSS
- Advanced Text Styling
- Setting Widths, Heights, and Styling Tables
- CSS Positioning Techniques
- Floating Elements and Clearing Floats
- Incorporating CSS Icons
- Styling Lists with CSS
- The CSS Display Property
- Creating Navigation Bars
- Styling Links and Pseudo-Classes
- Customizing Cursors
- Exploring Pseudo-Elements
- Understanding CSS Units
- Managing Z-Index
- CSS Grid Layout
- Flexbox Layout Module
- Text Shadow
- CSS Animations
- CSS 2D and 3D Transforms
- CSS Transitions
- Handling Overflow in CSS
- Media Queries for Responsive Design
- CSS Border Images
- Styling Buttons
- Bootstrap Introduction and Setup
- Bootstrap Grid System
- Text Utilities and Colors in Bootstrap
- Bootstrap Tables
- Working with Images in Bootstrap
- Bootstrap Alerts
- Using Badges in Bootstrap
- Creating Progress Bars
- Bootstrap List Groups
- Introduction to JavaScript
- What is JavaScript?
- Run JavaScript Code in 5 Different Ways
- What are Variables in JavaScript?
- JavaScript Data Types
- What are Data Types?
- Implementation of JavaScript Data Types and Variables Part-1
- Implementing JavaScript Data Types and Variables Part-2
- Arithmetic Operators in JavaScript
- Relational Operators in JavaScript
- Increment Decrement Operator in JavaScript
- Logical Operator in JavaScript
- Conditional Operator in JavaScript
- Bitwise Operator in JavaScript
- Difference Between Right Shift and Right Shift with Zero Fill Operator in JavaScript
- Assignment Operator in JavaScript
- JavaScript Assignment Operator Interview Question
- Conditional Statement in JavaScript
- Switch Case Statement in JavaScript
- JavaScript Program to Get Current Day
- How to Read Input from Console in JavaScript
- Introduction to Loops in JavaScript
- While Loop in JavaScript
- Program for Reverse of Number and Palindrom Number Using Loop
- For Loop in JavaScript
- Nested For Loop in JavaScript
- Do While Loop
- Introduction to Function in JavaScript
- Difference Between Call by Value and Return By Value in Function
- Default Arguments in Function
- Practical Implementation of Variable Arguments in JavaScript
- Arrow Function in JavaScript
- Program for Email ID Validation in JavaScript
- String Slicing in JavaScript
- Difference Between Mutability and Immutability in JavaScript
- String Search Methods in JavaScript
- String Templates in JavaScript
- String Functions in JavaScript
- String Validation in JavaScript
- String Numeric Validation in JavaScript
- String Alphabet Validation in JavaScript
- Mathematical Functions in JavaScript
- Number Functions in JavaScript
- Date Functions in JavaScript
- Array in JavaScript
- Introduction to Array in JavaScript
- Methods of Array in JavaScript
- For Each Loop in JavaScript
- JavaScript Mini Project
- JavaScript Project – Temperature Converter in JavaScript
- JavaScript Project – Temperature Conversion
- JavaScript Project – Stack Implementation in JavaScript
- JavaScript Project – Queue Implementation in JavaScript
- JavaScript Project – Banking Application
- JavaScript with HTML
- How to Print Emojis in JavaScript
- How to Implement JavaScript with HTML
- How to Use External JavaScript File with HTML
- Window Object and Methods in JavaScript
- How to Use HTML Table Using JavaScript
- Objects in JavaScript
- JavaScript Implicit Object
- JavaScript Array Object
- BOM in JavaScript – Browser Object Model
- History Object in JavaScript
- Window History Object Method in JavaScript
- JavaScript Navigator Object
- Implementation of JavaScript Navigator Object
- JavaScript Document Object
- JavaScript Event Programming
- Event Programming in JavaScript
- JavaScript OOPs
- Practical Implementation of JavaScript OOPs
- Constructor in JavaScript
- Inheritance in JavaScript
- Practical Implementation of JavaScript Inheritance
- Module in JavaScript
- JavaScript Module
- Practical Implementation of JavaScript Module
- Error Handling in JavaScript
- JavaScript Error Handling – try, catch, throw and finally
- Practical Implementation of JavaScript Error Handling
- JavaScript Rest Operator
- JavaScript Spread Operator
- Object Property Declaration in JavaScript
- Array Destructuring in JavaScript
- Object Destructuring in JavaScript
- Strict in JavaScript
- Symbol Data Type in JavaScript
- Template String in JavaScript
Understanding Full Stack Development
- Explore the roles of frontend and backend in web applications.
- Discover the benefits of being a versatile developer.
Introduction to the MERN Stack
- Overview of MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js.
- Why MERN is a popular choice among developers and companies.
Companies like Netflix and Uber leverage the MERN stack for their dynamic web applications.
- React Essentials: Why React rules the frontend world? (Used by Facebook, Airbnb)
- Components & JSX: Breaking your UI into reusable blocks.
- State & Props: Mastering dynamic data and how React handles it.
- React Hooks: Add interactivity without messy code.
- Routing in React: Building Single Page Apps with smooth transitions.
“React is the Ferrari of frontend frameworks. Fast, sleek, and built for performance!”
Getting Started with Node.js
- Setting up your development environment.
- Understanding the event-driven architecture.
Express.js Essentials
- Building robust APIs with Express.
- Middleware and routing techniques.
Authentication and Security
- Implementing user authentication.
- Securing your applications against common threats.
RESTful API Design
- Best practices for creating scalable APIs.
- Connecting frontend and backend effectively.
Node.js allows for high-performance, scalable applications due to its non-blocking I/O model.
Understanding NoSQL Databases
- Differences between SQL and NoSQL
- When to use MongoDB
MongoDB Fundamentals
- CRUD operations with MongoDB
- Schema design and data modeling
Integrating MongoDB with Node.js
- Using Mongoose for Object Data Modeling
- Connecting your application to the database
Advanced Data Operations
- Aggregation pipelines
- Indexing for performance optimisation
Implement a database for your web application to store and retrieve data efficiently.
Connecting Frontend and Backend
- Making HTTP requests with Axios or Fetch API
- Handling asynchronous operations and promises
Authentication and Authorization
- Implementing user authentication with JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
- Protecting routes and resources
Deployment Readiness
- Preparing your application for production
- Environment variables and configuration
Build a fully integrated MERN application with user authentication.
Performance Optimization
- Techniques for optimizing frontend and backend performance
- Lazy loading, code splitting, and caching strategies
Testing and Debugging
- Writing unit and integration tests
- Debugging common issues in MERN applications
Real-Time Applications
- Introduction to WebSockets
- Implementing real-time features with Socket.io
Security Best Practices
- Protecting against common web vulnerabilities
- Secure coding standards and practices
“Your app can’t just work; it has to work fast!”
Project Planning and Management
- Defining project scope and requirements
- Utilizing Agile methodologies
End-to-End Application Development
- Implementing frontend, backend, and database components
- Integrating third-party APIs or services
Testing and Quality Assurance
- Conducting thorough testing of your application
- Gathering user feedback and iterating
Final Presentation
- Demonstrating your application
- Discussing challenges and learnings
Completing the capstone project will give you a tangible product that showcases your ability to build complex applications from the ground up.
Creating a Personal Brand
- Crafting an effective online presence
- Showcasing your projects and skills
Resume and LinkedIn Optimization
- Highlighting relevant experience and projects
- Networking strategies for developers
Interview Preparation
- Common interview questions for full stack developers
- Tips for technical assessments and coding interviews
Develop a portfolio and resume that stands out to potential employers.
- Introduction to SQL
- Why SQL?
- What is SQL?
- Purpose of SQL
- Real-World Applications of SQL
- Database Management Systems (DBMS)
- What is DBMS?
- Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS)
- Practical Uses of RDBMS
Database Basics
- Database vs. Database Server
- Single Database vs. Multi-Database Systems
- Client-Server Architecture
Setting Up MySQL
- MySQL Installation Guide
- SQL Command Overview
- Types of SQL Commands
- Data Types in MySQL
- String Data Types
- Numeric Data
- Data Definition Language (DDL) Commands
- Data Manipulation Language (DML) Commands
- SQLyog and MySQL Workbench
- SQL Operators
- Aggregate Functions
- Nested Queries
- Ordering and Grouping Data
- ORDER BY Clause
- Aliases in SQL
- Implementing Constraints
- What are Constraints
- Key Constraints
- Primary and Foreign Keys
- Additional Constraints
- CHECK and DEFAULT Constraints
- Auto Increment and NULL Functions
- Introduction to Joins
- Types of Joins
- Why Learn Python Programming?
- What is Python?
- Python Applications
- Platform Independence
- Features of Python
- Limitations of Python
- History of Python
- Writing Our First Python Program
- Python Installation
- PyCharm Installation
- What is IDLE?
- Python Code Execution Flow
- Python Statements, Indentation, and Comments
- Printing in Python
- Taking Input from Users
- Methods, Identifiers, and Variables
- Data Types and Variables
- Rules for Declaring Identifiers
- Input/Output Functions in Python
- Reading Data in a Single Line
- The print() Function
- Formatted Strings and Replacement Operators
- Types of Python Operators
- Bitwise Operators
- Number System Conversion
- Identity Operators
- Conditional Statements (if, elif, else)
- Pyramid Patterns
- Transfer Statements
- Understanding Loops
- Types of Loops
- Nested Loops
- What is a String?
- String Built-in Functions
- String Class and Methods
- Type Casting
- Introduction to Collections
- Lists
- Tuples
- Sets and Frozen Sets
- Dictionaries
- Bytes and Bytearrays
- What are Functions?
- Types of Functions and Methods
- Creating Functions
- Function Arguments
- Call by Value
- Global Variables and Keywords
- The eval() Function
- Function as Arguments
- Recursion in Python
- Recursive Programs
- Anonymous Functions / Lambda Functions
- The filter() Function
- Lambda with map() Function
- What are Arrays?
- Operations on Arrays
- Array Types and Concepts
- Using Arrays
- NumPy Arrays
- Object References
- Views vs. Copies
- Multidimensional Arrays
- Matrices with NumPy
- Binary Search
- Bubble Sort
- Procedural vs. Object-Oriented Programming
- Introduction to OOP
- Classes and Objects
- The self Variable and __init__ Method
- Constructor Overloading
- Polymorphism and Operator Overloading
- Relational Operator Overloading
- Overloading vs. Overriding
- Getters and Setters
- Static Variables and Methods
- Inner Classes
- Inheritance
- The super() Method
- Types of Inheritance
- Constructors in Multiple Inheritance
- Abstract Classes and Methods
- Interfaces
- What is Exception Handling?
- Types of Exceptions
- Try, Except, and Finally Blocks
- Exception Handling Programs
- The finally Statement
- Assertions
- The raise Statement
- User-Defined Exceptions
- Working with Files in Python
- Modes of File Operation
- Reading and Writing Files
- Using the with Statement
- File Exceptions
- File I/O Programs
- readlines() and writelines() Methods
- Counting Lines, Words, and Characters
- Character-by-Character File Reading
- Binary Mode Operations
- Pickle Module
- Using tell() and seek() Methods
- Working with CSV Files
- Understanding Data Structures and Algorithms
- Why Python for DSA?
- Types of Data Structures
- Stacks in Data Structures
- Stack Implementation Techniques
- Stack Using Lists
- Stack Using the collections module
- Stack Using the queue module
- Expression Conversion Using Stacks
- Infix to Postfix conversion.
- Infix to Prefix conversion.
- Queues in Data Structures
- Queue Implementation Techniques
- Queue Using Lists
- Queue Using the collections module
- Circular Queues
- Double-Ended Queues (Deque)
- Priority Queues
- Understanding Linked Lists
- Types of Linked Lists
- Singly Linked Lists
- Doubly Linked Lists
- Circular Linked Lists
- Circular Doubly Linked Lists
- Implementing Stacks with Linked Lists
- Implementing Queues with Linked Lists
- Understanding Recursion
- Types of Recursion
- Direct vs. indirect recursion.
- Tail recursion optimization.
- Linear Search
- Binary Search
- Introduction to Sorting
- Basic Sorting Techniques
- Bubble Sort
- Selection Sort
- Insertion Sort
Intermediate Sorting Algorithms
- Shell Sort
- Radix Sort
Efficient Sorting Algorithms
- Quick Sort
- Merge Sort
- Understanding Trees
- Binary Trees and Binary Search Trees (BST)
- Balanced Trees
- AVL Trees
- Red-Black Trees
- Heap Trees
- B Trees
- B+ Trees
- Threaded Binary Trees
- Introduction to Graphs
- Graph Representation Techniques
- Fundamental Graph Algorithms
- Breadth-First Search (BFS)
- Depth-First Search (DFS)
- Shortest Path Algorithms
- Dijkstra’s Algorithm
- Floyd-Warshall Algorithm
- Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithms
- Kruskal’s Algorithm
- Prim’s Algorithm
- Understanding Hashing
- Implementing Hash Tables
- Big O Notation
- Calculating Time Complexity
- Memory Address Calculations
- Arrays in memory
- Address calculations for multi-dimensional arrays.
Tools and Technologies
MERN Web Development Job Roles
Learning Path of MERN Web Development
Our learners are working in leading organizations
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MERN Web Development Course FAQs
A Full Stack Web Developer works on both the front-end and back-end of web applications, managing everything from user interfaces to databases.
The MERN stack, which includes MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js, allows developers to build scalable, high-performance web applications with a single language: JavaScript.
Yes, the MERN stack is popular among beginners due to its JavaScript-based architecture, which is easy to pick up and highly adaptable.
Basic JavaScript knowledge is beneficial, but we also cover fundamental concepts to ensure that new learners can follow along.
MERN developers are highly sought-after for roles in both startups and tech giants due to the flexibility and efficiency of the stack in building modern web applications.
MongoDB’s document-oriented NoSQL database structure pairs well with JavaScript and is ideal for handling large volumes of unstructured data efficiently.
Debugging, managing dependencies, and handling complex databases are some challenges, but our course teaches best practices to tackle them.
Yes, with frameworks like React Native, MERN skills can be adapted for mobile app development, broadening your career options.
React’s component-based structure and efficient DOM handling make it a fast and flexible choice for creating interactive user interfaces.
Node.js enables JavaScript to be used for server-side scripting, allowing full-stack development to be JavaScript-based from client to server.