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Android UI Controls

Android UI Controls

I hope you are enjoying the android journey. This article is going to be very interesting because here, you will come across several UI controls. These UI controls are used to design an immersive, smooth and clean user interface. Each UI control has its feature and is used depending on our needs.

Through this article, you will understand almost all UI controls and how to use them with code snippets.

Android UI Elements

Below are the UI controls that we would be discussing through this article:


Remember, you can have your parent Layout as Linear Layout, Constraint Layout, Relative Layout, Frame Layout, or Coordinator Layout. Then, inside the parent layout, you can add these UI elements.

Each UI element has its specific attributes.

Some of the common attributes among the elements are as follows:

android:id: It is used to identify your UI element in your project uniquely.
android:height: It is used to set the vertical size of your element.
android:width: It is used to set the width of your element.
android:margin: It is used to provide margin around the elements.
android:padding: It is used to add padding around the content of the component.

There are many more attributes that are specific to specif elements. There you will get to know while we proceed in the course.

Now let’s see each of them in detail about their implementation.


It is used to display text on the screen. You need to use the <TextView> tag in your XML file. You can see an example of this below.

Code: XML File

         android:id = “@+id/TechVidvanTV”
         android:text = “TechVidvan Text View”
         //you can add other attributes here	

Code: Activity File.

text_view_var = findViewByID(

2. ImageView

It is used to display any pictures on the screen. You need to use the <ImageView> tag in your XML file.
You can see an example of this below.

Code: XML File

         android:id = “@+id/TechVidvanIV”
         android:src = “Provide the path of your image here”
         //you can add other attributes here	

Code: Activity File.

image_view_var = findViewByID(

3. EditText

It is used to take user input. To implement this, you need to use the <EditText> tag in your XML file.
You can see an example of this below.

Code: XML File

         android:id = “@+id/TechVidvanET”
         android:hint = “Enter your Name”
         //you can add other attributes here	

Code: Activity File.

edit_text_var = findViewByID(

4. Button

It is used to perform specific events based on the button press. You need to keep the <Button> tag in your XML to implement it.

You can see an example of this below.

Code: XML File

 android:id = “@+id/TechVidvanButton”
 android:onClick = “PerformSomething”
 //you can add other attributes here	

Code: Activity File.

button_var = findViewByID(

4. ImageButton

It’s similar to a button, but here we have an image to handle events. If you press the image, then a particular task will be performed. You need to use the <ImageButton> tag in your XML file.

You can see an example of this below.

Code: XML File

         android:id = “@+id/TechVidvanImageButton”
         android:onClick = “PerformSomething”
         //you can add other attributes here	

Code: Activity File.

image_button_var = findViewByID(

6. ToggleButton

It is a switch with two states, i.e., ON and OFF. Users can either make the toggle ON or OFF but not both. To implement this, you need to have a <ToggleButton> tag.

You can see an example of this below.

Code: XML File

 android:id = “@+id/TechVidvanToggle”
 android:checked = false
 //you can add other attributes here	

Code: Activity File.

toggle_var = findViewByID(

7. RadioButton

In Radio Button, Again, you can either check or uncheck it. To implement this, you need to use the <RadioButton> tag. You can see an example of this below.

Code: XML File

 android:id = “@+id/TechVidvanRadio”
 android:text = “TechVidvan’s Radio Button”
 android:checked = false
 //you can add other attributes here	

Code: Activity File.

radio_button_var = findViewByID(

8. RadioGroup

RadioGroup consists of a group of Radio Buttons. Out of the available radio buttons, you are only allowed to select one. You need to use the <RadioGroup> tag.

You can see an example of this below.

Code: XML File

<RadioGroup android:orientation="horizontal">
     android:id = “@+id/TechVidvanRadio1”
     android:text="Radio Button 1"
     android:id = “@+id/TechVidvanRadio2”
     android:text="Radio Button 2"
     android:id = “@+id/TechVidvanRadio3”
     android:text="Radio Button 3"

Code: Activity File.

radio_button_1 = findViewByID(
radio_button_2 = findViewByID(
radio_button_3 = findViewByID(

9. CheckBox

Similar to the radio button check box also has only two possibilities, either checked or unchecked. However, if you have a group of checkboxes, then you can select more than one checkbox.

You can see an example of this below.

Code: XML File

        android:id = “@+id/TechVidvanCheckBox”
        android:text = “TechVidvan’s Check Box”
        android:checked = false
        //you can add other attributes here	

Code: Activity File.

check_box_var = findViewByID(

10. ProgressBar

Progress bars are required to update the user about the progress of any task. For example, if a user is downloading some file, we need to show them how much more is left.
Two types of a Progress bar are mentioned below:

Determinate Mode: Here, we can determine the portion of the completed task and display it.

Indeterminate Mode: Unlike determinate mode, we are not aware of the progress in an indeterminate way. The progress bar keeps on running continuously until the task is finished.

You can see an example of this below.

Code: XML File

       android:id = “@+id/TechVidvanProgressBar”
       //you can add other attributes here	

Code: Activity File.

progress_bar_var = findViewByID(

11. AutoCompleteTextView

This is a special kind of edit text in which when the user enters something, he automatically gets suggestions.

12. Spinner

Android Spinner is like a dropdown that shows you an available list to pick from. For example, you need to select your qualification. Then you need to display a known list of capabilities that he may have.

13. TimePicker

It is used to take time input from the user. The user can select a time from a 24-hour or 12-hour time picker.

14. DatePicker

It is used to take dates as input from the user. The user can select the date from the date picker, which has a similar structure to that of a calendar.

15. SeekBar

Seek bar is similar to the progress bar but has a feature to drag the progress. The user can drag the progress to either left or right using his thumb.

16. AlertDialog

Alert Dialog is used to alert the user. The alert can be to take some confirmations or display specific warnings.

17. Switch

The switch has two states, either ON or OFF. The user can either leave it ON or OFF form but not both.


Through this article, you got to know about Android UI Controls. While going further, you got to know about the several UI elements, the parent layouts, and the attributes. Finally, you saw each aspect in detail, along with their code snippets. I hope you got enlightened by the article and will create some awesome UI.

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