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Top 7 Artificial Intelligence Characteristics with Examples

“Our intelligence is what makes us human, and AI is an extension of that quality.”

– Yann LeCun

Artificial Intelligence, in the current times, is at such a stage that you can either be excited about it, or can be wary about what reskilling do you need to undergo to adapt to this change, but it is just impossible to ignore it.

Before delving deep into the Artificial Intelligence characteristics, let’s first understand what Artificial Intelligence stands for:

What is AI?

In the most basic sense, Artificial intelligence (AI) is a tool that makes it possible for machines to learn from experience, adjust to new inputs and perform human-like tasks. AI is getting used across different industries including finance and healthcare.

While the hype created around this technology is tremendous and unwarranted as it is still in its early stages, But, AI has evolved to provide specific features including:

Artificial Intelligence Characteristics

1. Deep Learning

Deep learning is a machine learning technique that teaches computers to do what comes naturally to humans, to learn by example. Innumerable developers are leveraging the latest deep learning innovative technologies to take their business to the new high.

There are large numbers of fields of Artificial Intelligence technology like autonomous vehicles, computer vision, automatic text generation, and the like, where the scope and use of deep learning are increasing.

Take an example of Self Driving feature in cars like Tesla(Autopilot), where Deep learning is a key technology behind enabling them to recognize a stop sign or to distinguish a pedestrian from a lamppost.

2. Facial Recognition

Artificial Intelligence has made it possible to recognize individual faces using biometric mapping. This has lead to pathbreaking advancements in surveillance technologies. It compares the knowledge with a database of known faces to seek out a match.

However, this has also faced a lot of criticism for breach of privacy.

For example, Clearview AI, an American technology company, offers surveillance technology for law agencies to monitor entire cities with a network of CCTV Cameras exactly assigning each and every citizen with their Social Credit Score in real-time.

3. Automate Simple and Repetitive Tasks

AI has the ability to execute the same kind of work over and over again without breaking a sweat. To understand this feature better, let’s take the example of Siri, a voice-enabled assistant created by Apple Inc. It can handle so many commands in a single day!

From asking to take up notes for a brief, to rescheduling the calendar for a meeting, to guiding us through the streets with navigation, the assistant has it all covered.

Earlier, all of these activities had to be done manually which used to take up a lot of time and effort.

The automation would not only lead to increased efficiencies but also result in lower overhead costs and in some cases a safer work environment.

4. Data Ingestion

With every passing day, the data that we are all producing is growing exponentially, which is where AI steps in. Instead of manually feeding this data, AI-enabled not just gathers this data but also analyzes it with the help of its previous experiences.

Data ingestion is that the transportation of knowledge from assorted sources to a data-storage medium where it are often accessed, used, and analyzed by a corporation.

AI, with the help of neural networks, analyzes a large amount of such data and helps in providing a logical inference out of it.

5. Chatbots

Chatbots are software to provide a window for solving customer problems’ through either audio or textual input. Earlier the bots used to respond only to specific commands. If you say the wrong thing, it didn’t know what you meant.

The bot was only as smart as it was programmed to be. The real change came when these chatbots were enabled by artificial intelligence.

Now, you don’t have to be ridiculously specific when you are talking to the chatbot. It understands language, not just commands.

For example, Watson Assistant, an AI-powered assistant, developed by IBM which can run across various channels like websites, messengers, and apps and requires zero human intervention once programmed.

There are a lot of companies that have moved on from voice process executives to chatbots to help customers solve their problems.

The chatbots not only offer services revolving around issues that the customers face but also provides product suggestions to the users. All this, just because of AI.

6. Quantum Computing

AI is helping solve complex quantum physics problems with the accuracy of supercomputers with the help of quantum neural networks. This can lead to path-breaking developments in the near future.

It is an interdisciplinary field that focuses on building quantum algorithms for improving computational tasks within AI, including sub-fields like machine learning.

The whole concept of quantum-enhanced AI algorithms remains in the conceptual research domain

For example, A pioneer in this field is Google AI Quantum whose objective is to develop superconducting qubit processors and quantum-assisted optimization for varied applications.

7. Cloud Computing

Next Artificial Intelligence characteristics is Cloud Computing. With such a huge amount of data being churned out every day, data storage in a physical form would have been a major problem.

AI capabilities are working within the business cloud computing environment to make organizations more efficient, strategic, and insight-driven.

However, the advent of Cloud Computing has saved us from such worries.

Microsoft Azure is one of the prominent players in the cloud computing industry. It offers to deploy your own machine learning models to your data stored in cloud servers without any lock-in.


Finally, we have seen that AI is a window to our future while living in our present. Its uses across domains are innumerable.

Artificial intelligence is impacting the long run of virtually every industry and every person. AI has acted because the most driver of emerging technologies like big data and robotics, and it will still act as a technological innovator for the foreseeable future.

As we learn artificial intelligence characteristics and how to use it more effectively, the dynamics of our work and our workplaces are going to change forever.

There are so many pages still to be unfolded, but all this while what we can say for AI for sure is, “The fun has just begun”.

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