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The C++ programming language offers various functionalities and features to the developers. It also supports object-oriented programming. In this tutorial, we are going to learn about the standard template libraries of C++. It is one of the most powerful features of the C++ programming language.

What is STL in C++?

In C++, the C++ STL is a very powerful feature and it is a set of C++ template classes. With the help of STL, you can make use of general-purpose classes and functions with templates. And these implement many popular and most used algorithms and data structures like vectors, lists, queues and stacks.

Components of C++ STL

There are four components of STL:-

1. Containers

The main purpose of containers is to manage collections of objects of a certain kind. In the following table, there are different types of containers:-

Container Description Header file iterator
vector It is a class and it creates a dynamic array which allows insertion and deletion at the back. <vector> Random access
list It allows insertions and deletions from anywhere. <list> Bidirectional
deque It allows insertion and deletion from both ends. <deque> Random access
set It is used for storing unique sets. <set> Bidirectional
multiset It is used for storing non-unique sets. <set> Bidirectional
map It is used for storing key-value pairs. And each key can be linked with only one value. <map> Bidirectional
multimap It is used for storing key-value pairs. And each key can be linked with more than one value. <map> Bidirectional
stack Follows last in first out(LIFO). <stack> No iterator
queue Follows first in first out(FIFO). <queue> No iterator
Priority-queue The highest priority is to remove the first element. <queue> No iterator
STL Containers Classifications

2. STL Iterator

The main purpose of iterators is to step through the elements of collections of objects. You can say that, iterators are pointer-like entities. And with the help of iterators, you can access individual elements in a container.
Iterators are made of mainly two functions:-

Categories of Iterators in C++ STL

1. Input Iterators:– It is used to read the values from a container. It is a one way iterator. You can increment an input iterator but it cannot be decremented.

2. Output Iterator:- It is used to modify the value of a container. But you cannot read a value from a container by using an output iterator. It is also a one way iterator. And it is only a write-only iterator.

3. Forward Iterator:– With the help of a forward iterator, you can navigate through the container one at a time using the ++ operator.

4. Bidirectional Iterator:– It is similar to the forward iterator but it also moves in backward direction. It is a two way iterator.

5. Random Access Iterator:– It is used to access a random element of a container. It is similar to the bidirectional iterator and it also has an additional feature such as pointer addition.

iterator Element access Read Write Increment operation Comparison
input -> v = *p ++ ==,!=
output *p = v ++
forward -> v = *p *p = v ++ ==,!=
Bidirectional -> v = *p *p = v ++,– ==,!=
Random access ->,[ ] v = *p *p = v ++,–,+,-,+=,–= ==,!=,<,>,<=,>=

3. Algorithms

Algorithms mainly act on containers. With the help of algorithms, you can perform initialization, sorting, searching and transforming of the elements of the containers. Using algorithms, you can save a lot of time and effort. To access the STL algorithms, you have to include the <algorithm> header file in the program code. To perform the complex operations, it provides 60 algorithm functions.

Algorithms can be further classified into:-

a. Mutating Algorithms:– Using this, you can change the value of a container. Using mutating algorithms, you can alter the order of the elements.

b. Non Mutating Algorithms:– You cannot change the value of a container and also cannot change the order of the elements.

c. Sorting Algorithms:– Used to sort the elements in a container.

d. Set Algorithms:– With this, you can perform some operations on a container which will help you in great efficiency. Also known as sorted range algorithms.

e. Relational Algorithms:– With the help of these algorithms, you can work with numeric datas. With this, you can perform all the mathematical operations to the elements of a container.

4. Function Objects in STL

STL includes classes that overload the function call operator. Function objects or Functors are the instances of such classes. Function object is a smart pointer and it has many advantages over the normal function.

Advantages of using the function objects


#include <iostream>  
using namespace std;  
class func  
int operator()(int a, int b)         	 
return a/b;  
int main()  
func fun;            	 
int res = fun(10,5);  
return 0;  


In the above, fun is an object of the func class which defines an operator() function. So, you can use the fun object as a function to call the operator() function.

Example:- vector container

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int main() {
vector<int> v;
int x;
cout << "Size of vector: " << v.size() << endl;
for(x = 0; x < 2; x++) {
cout << "Size extended: " << v.size() << endl;
for(x = 0; x < 2; x++) {
  	cout << "value of v["<<x<<"]: " << v[x] << endl;
vector<int>::iterator ve = v.begin();
while( ve != v.end()) {
cout << "value: " << *ve << endl;
return 0;

Size of vector: 0
Size extended: 2
value of v[0]: 0
value of v[1]: 1
value: 0
value: 1


In this tutorial, we discussed the C++ STL and its various components. We discussed why you should use function objects over normal functions. We also discussed various categories of iterators.

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