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Difference between Extends and Implements in Java with Examples

Difference between extends and implements in java

After the article of Java Autoboxing and Unboxing in Java, we will learn the difference between extends and implements in java. Both of them are the reserved keywords in Java which we use to inherit the features of an already existing parent block in the newly created child block.

They are used to implement different concepts in Java. We will learn what is Java extends keyword and what is Java implements keyword with examples.

What is extends in Java?

Code to understand the extends keyword in Java:

package com.techvidvan.extendsvsimplements;
//Parent class
class Country
    String name = "India";
    public void display()
        System.out.println("This is my country India");
//child class extends the parent class
class City extends Country
    // defining additional properties to the derived class
    String state = “Rajasthan”;
    String city = “Jaipur”;
public class ExtendsDemo
    public static void main(String args[])
        City obj=new City();
        System.out.println("Name of the city is: " +;
        System.out.println("City is present in " + obj.state + “state”);


This is my country India
Name of the city is: Jaipur
City is present in Rajasthan state

What is Implements in Java?

Code to understand implementation of java implements keyword:

package com.techvidvan.extendsvsimplements;
//Creating an interface
interface MyInterface
  //Declaring abstract methods inside it
  void displayString(String s);
  void showNumber(int i);
//Implementing the interface using the implements keyword
public class MyClass implements MyInterface
  //Implementing all the methods declared in the interface
  public void displayString(String s)
    System.out.println("The string value is: " +s);
  public void showNumber(int i)
    System.out.println("The integer value is: " +i);
  public static void main(String args[]) 
    MyClass obj = new MyClass();


The string value is: TechVidvan
The integer value is: 20

Example of Multiple Interfaces

Now we will see an example in which one class implements more than one interface at the same time and therefore establishes multiple inheritances in Java. We will create 3 interfaces: Walkable, Swimmable, and Talkable and one class HumanBeing that implements all the 3 interfaces.

1. interface:
package com.techvidvan.extendsvsimplements;
public interface Walkable 
  public void walk();
2. interface:
package com.techvidvan.extendsvsimplements;
public interface Swimmable
  public void swim();
3. interface:
package com.techvidvan.extendsvsimplements;
public interface Talkable 
  public void talk();
4. Class:
package com.techvidvan.extendsvsimplements;
\\To implement multiple interfaces we must use commas to separate them
public class HumanBeing  implements Walkable, Swimmable, Talkable
  public void walk()
    System.out.println("I can walk");
  public void swim()
    System.out.println("I can swim");
  public void talk()
    System.out.println("I can talk");
  public static void main(String args[])
    HumanBeing human= new HumanBeing();


I can walk
I can swim
I can talk

Difference between Extends and  Implements in Java

We have seen the examples of both keywords, let us now see java extends vs implements in detail:

Comparison Features Extends Implements
Implementation The keyword extends is used when a class wants to inherit all the properties from another class or an interface that wants to inherit an interface. We use the implements keyword when we want a class to implement an interface.
Associated with It is associated with Inheritance It is associated with Abstraction
Method The child class that extends a parent class may or may not override all the methods present in the parent class. The class that implements an interface must define or provide the implementation of all the methods declared in the interface, or else the class should be declared as abstract.
Class A subclass or more than one subclass can extend only one parent class at the same time. A class can implement one or more than one interface at the same time.
Interface An interface can extend any number of interfaces. An interface can never implement any other interface.


So in conclusion, we come to the end of the article of difference between extends and implements in java. We went through the major differences between these keywords. Both of them directly or indirectly use the concept of inheritance in Java.

But, we can conclude that implementing an interface provides more flexibility than extending a class as we can extend a single class but we can implement multiple inheritances in Java.

Hope, after reading this article, you might have finally understood extends vs implements keyword in Java.

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Happy Learning 🙂

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