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Keras Layers – Everything you need to Know

Different Keras Layers

Keras is an open-source library. It is a high-level neural network API that runs on the top of TensorFlow and Theano. It provides a clean and clear way of creating Deep Learning models.

Keras focuses on the idea of Models and is the best choice for Deep Learning. It is a user-friendly library which is highly flexible and extensible. It enables users to complete their tasks as fast as possible.

Let us learn more about Keras layers.

Basics of Keras Layers

Keras Layers are the functional building blocks of Keras Models. Each layer is created using numerous layer_() functions. These layers are fed with input information, they process this information, do some computation and hence produce the output.

Further, this output of one layer is fed to another layer as its input.

Types of Keras Layers

There is a wide variety of layers present in Keras. Each layer has its specific functions and use.

Create Complete Keras Layer

There are some details that a Keras Layer requires to create a complete layer:

Let us now understand how to create a simple layer and Keras model using a Sequential model API.

Initially, you have to import all the necessary modules. Then, create a new module using Sequential API. After this, you need to create a new Dense layer. Add this Dense layer into the module. Enter 32 as the units in the layer.

It is the required parameter. Provide input shape as 16, if it is the first layer. If it is not the first layer, the output of the first layer will be the input of the second layer.

Now, you need to create another Dense layer with 16 units and activation function as ‘relu’. Finally, create a final Dense layer with 8 units. As the last two Dense layers do not need new input, we do not need to specify the input shape.

from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import Activation, Dense
from keras import initializers
from keras import regularizers
from keras import constraints
model = Sequential()
model.add(Dense(32, input_shape(16))
model.add(Dense(16, activation = ‘relu’))


Keras focuses on the idea of models. To build models, layers are their primary block. There is a wide variety of layers present in Keras. Each layer has its specific tasks. These layers contain functions that enable users to complete their tasks efficiently.

You can create your own layer in Keras. The layer is given the input, after processing it, the layer transforms the input into the output. Layers in Keras play a major role in developing the model.

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