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Python Bubble Sort Visualizer using PyGame

python bubble sort visualizer pygame

Bubble sort is a simple sorting technique that is the fastest of all the sorting techniques. In this project, we will be understanding the concept of bubble sort and we will create a visualizer using Python to see how the bubble sort actually works.

Bubble Sort Visualizer

Bubble Sort is a simple sorting algorithm that swaps the adjacent numbers in the array to sort the array. Let us take an example and understand the concept of Bubble Sort in detail.

Let us take an array – [1,6,8,3,2]. As we can see this is an unsorted array.

Sorting for the first time:

We will look at each adjacent element from the beginning, taking each input as a pair.

[1,6] – This is sorted so no changes need to be made.

[6,8] – This is sorted so no changes need to be made.

[8,3] – Now this is not sorted so let us swap this. New array after this step is [1,6,3,8,2]

[8,2] – Now this set is also not sorted so let us swap this too. New array after this step is [1,6,3,2,8]

Sorting for second time:

We will be repeating the process till we get a sorted array.

[1,6] – Already sorted

[6,3] – Swap this. Updated array [1,3,6,2,8]

[6,2] – Swap this to sort. Updated array [1,3,2,6,8]

[6,8] – Already sorted.

By the end of this, our array is [1,3,2,6,8]

Sorting for the third time:

[1,3] – Already sorted.

[3,2] – Swap this. Now we get the array [1,2,3,6,8]

Now that we have got the sorted array, we still have to do this till the last element.

[3,6] and [6,8] are already sorted.

So after sorting 3 times, we have our sorted array.

Now that the concept of Bubble Sort is clear, we will use this and make a visual representation of the Bubble Sort Algorithm.

Python Bubble Sort Visualizer project Details

In this project, we are going to use the Bubble Sort Algorithm and Visualize using Pygame. Here we are going to take a list as input from the user and will visualize what happens in a bubble sort algorithm.

This is an intermediate-level project and requires a basic understanding of the Pygame Module.

Project Prerequisites

While creating this project, we will require these three modules.

1. Pygame – We will be building the GUI of the project using Pygame. Command to install pygame is as –

pip install pygame

2. Math – Math Library is for doing some calculations during the creation of a project. The command to install it is –

pip install math

Download Bubble Sort Visualizer Python Project

Before proceeding with the project, please download the source code of the bubble sort visualizer project from the following link: Bubble Sort Visualizer Project Code

Steps to Create the Project

Follow these steps to proceed with the python bubble sort visualizer project:

  1. Import the required Libraries
  2. Creating a Game Window
  3. Function for setting the List
  4. Displaying the sorting window on the screen
  5. Bubble Sort Algorithm
  6. Display List
  7. Main Function
  8. Calling the Main Method

1. Import the Required Libraries:

#importing library
import pygame
import math

2. Creating a Game Window:

pygame.init()#creating a window
def __init__(self, width, height, lst):
   self.width = width
   self.height = height
   self.window = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height))#display the window
   pygame.display.set_caption("Bubble Sort Visualization with TechVidvan")#setting title to the window

3. Function for Setting the List (set_list()):

def set_list(self, lst):# setting the min max for the array
        self.lst = lst = min(lst)#setting minimum value to mini
        self.maxi = max(lst)#setting maximum value to maxi
        self.block_width = round((self.width - self.SIDE_PAD) / len(lst))
        self.block_height = math.floor((self.height - self.TOP_PAD) / (self.maxi -
        self.start_x = self.SIDE_PAD // 2

4. Displaying the Sorting Window on the Screen:

def draw(draw_info, algo_name, ascending):
    draw_info.window.fill(draw_info.BACKGROUND_COLOR)#filling background colour to the window
    controls = draw_info.FONT.render("Press SPACE to tart Sorting", 1, draw_info.BLACK)#setting that when space is clicked sorting happens
    draw_info.window.blit(controls, (draw_info.width/2 - controls.get_width()/2 , 45))
    #function to update the array for sorting
    pygame.display.update()#updating the window

5. Bubble Sort Algorithm:

def bubble_sort(draw_info, ascending=True):# algo for bubble sort
    lst = draw_info.lst
    for i in range(len(lst) - 1):
        for j in range(len(lst) - 1 - i):
            n1 = lst[j]
            n2 = lst[j + 1]
            if (n1 > n2 and ascending) or (n1 < n2 and not ascending):
                lst[j], lst[j + 1] = lst[j + 1], lst[j]
                draw_list(draw_info, {j: draw_info.ORANGE, j + 1: draw_info.PINK}, True)
                yield True
    return lst
        #making a new array to display
        array1 = [str(i) for i in lst]

6. Show the List :

def show(draw_info):
    lst = draw_info.lst
    block =  draw_info.FONT.render(str(lst), True, (0,0,0))
    #Display the array
    draw_info.window.blit(block, (0,20))

7. Main Function:

def main():#main method
    run = True
    clock = pygame.time.Clock()
    n = int(input("Enter number of elements : "))
# iterating till the range
    for i in range(0, n):
    draw_info = drawinfo(800, 600, lst)
    sorting = False
    ascending = True
    sorting_algorithm = bubble_sort
    sorting_algo_name = "Bubble Sort"
    sorting_algorithm_generator = None
    while run:
        if sorting:
            except StopIteration:
                sorting = False
            draw(draw_info, sorting_algo_name, ascending)
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
                run = False
            if event.type != pygame.KEYDOWN:
            if event.key == pygame.K_r:
                sorting = False
            elif event.key == pygame.K_SPACE and sorting == False:
                sorting = True
                sorting_algorithm_generator = sorting_algorithm(draw_info, ascending)
            elif event.key == pygame.K_a and not sorting:
                ascending = True
            elif event.key == pygame.K_d and not sorting:
                ascending = False
    pygame.quit()#exiting the window

8. Calling the Main Method:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    main()#calling main method

Python Bubble Sort Visualiser Output


We have successfully created a Bubble Sort Visualizer Project using Pygame module of python. While creating this project we used three libraries.

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