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Create MP3 Music Player using Python

Music washes away the dust of everyday life from the soul. The saying was indeed true. We all love music. We don’t prefer any kind of disturbance or ads in between but this seems impossible without a paid subscription. So let’s try to design a music player just like the way we want using Python modules.

Python Music Player

In our daily life, everyone has a hobby of listening to music. In order to listen to music we all need a music player. So let’s build our own music player in python.

Python Music Player- Project Details

In this project, we will create a music player in which we can play the music, pause, stop or resume the music.
We are creating a project using the tkinter and pygame module. Using the Tkinter library we are creating a GUI for the music player.

Project Prerequisite

This project requires good knowledge of python and the Tkinter library. Tkinter is the python binding to the Tk toolkit which is used across many programming languages for building Graphical user interface which is GUI. To work on this project basic understanding of the pygame module is also required.

Download Python Music Player Code

Please download the source code of mp3 music player in python from the following link: Music Player Project

Steps to Build a Python MP3 Music Player

Below are the steps to create Python MP3 Player:

  1. Import modules
  2. Initializing root window
  3. Create a function for adding and playing music
  4. Make icon and logo
  5. Create music player buttons

Step 1- Importing Modules

#TechVidvan- Import Modules
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import Tk
from tkinter import filedialog
from pygame import mixer
import os

Code Explanation-

Step 2- Initializing root window

#TechVidvan- creating the root window for python mp3 music player
root.title('Music player project by TechVidvan')
root.configure(bg= "#0f1a2b")
root.resizable(False, False)

Code Explanation-

Step 3- Create music player functions to player mp3

def Add_Music():
    path = filedialog.askdirectory()
    if path:
        songs = os.listdire(path)
        for song in songs:
            if song.endswith(".mp3"):
                Playlist.insert(END, song)
def Play_Music():
    Music_Name= Playlist.get(ACTIVE)

Code Explanation

Step 4 – Make icon and logo

Icon_Image = PhotoImage(file="logo.png")
root.iconphoto(False,Icon_Image = PhotoImage(file="logo.png"))
Top_Image = PhotoImage(file="top.png")
Label(root, image=Top_Image, bg="#0f1a2b").pack()
logo_Image = PhotoImage(file="logo.png")
Label(root, image=logo_Image, bg="#0f1a2b").place(x=65, y=115)

Code Explanation

Step 5 – Create music player buttons

# Button
Button_Play = PhotoImage(file="play.png")
Button(root, image=Button_Play, bg="#0f1a2b", bd=0, command=Play_Music).place(x=100, y=400)
Button_Stop = PhotoImage(file="stop.png")
Button(root, image=Button_Stop, bg="#0f1a2b", bd=0,, y=500)
Button_Resume = PhotoImage(file="resume.png")
Button(root, image=Button_Resume, bg="#0f1a2b", bd=0,, y=500)
Button_Pause = PhotoImage(file="pause.png")
Button(root, image=Button_Pause, bg="#0f1a2b", bd=0,, y=500)
Menu = PhotoImage(file="menu.png")
Label(root, image=Menu, bg="#0f1a2b").pack(padx=10, pady=50, side=RIGHT)
Frame_Music = Frame(root, bd=2, relief = RIDGE), y=350, width=560, height=250)
Button(root, text="Add Music", width=15, height=2, font=("times new roman",12,"bold"),fg="Black", bg="#21b3de", command= Add_Music).place(x=330, y=300)
Scroll = Scrollbar(Frame_Music)
Playlist = Listbox(Frame_Music, width=100, font=("Times new roman",10), bg="#333333", fg="grey", selectbackground="lightblue", cursor="hand2", bd=0, yscrollcommand=Scroll.set)
Scroll.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y)
Playlist.pack(side=LEFT, fill=BOTH)

Code Explanation

Python Music Player Output


Congratulations!! We have successfully created a Music Player in python using Graphical user Interface(GUI). We have learned about the Tkinter module and the function that module provides as well as the pygame module.

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