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R Tutorial – ‘Coz you wished to be a Data Scientist

R tutorial

This R tutorial by TechVidvan is designed to be an all in one package to answer all your questions about what is R and how it can be your perfect partner.

Data is called the crude oil of the IT industry. Unlike oil, data is being generated in an increasing amount and is getting more and more complex every day. This has led to an ever-increasing demand for Data Scientists in various industry sectors.

R and Python are the two leading programming languages when it comes to Data Science.

R Tutorial

In these TechVidvan R tutorials, we are going to introduce you to the bright and shining world of R and its wide range of capabilities.

This R tutorial is basically aimed for beginners getting started with R programming language and data science, as well as experienced users looking to brush-up the basics.

We will start with the basic questions of what, when, why, who, and then take a look at the future opportunities. So let’s get cracking!

Let’s look at the topics we will cover in this R tutorial:

What is R?

Now the important question is What exactly is R?

R is an open-source programming language and environment used for statistical analysis, data visualization, and data science.

Being open-source, R has a massive community that continuously works to improve the environment as well as helps members worldwide to improve and innovate.

R can be used for data analytics, statistical analysis, as well as machine learning purposes.

R is compatible with a number of different technologies and is highly flexible.

It has over 10,000 different libraries and packages to enhance and add on to its already significant capabilities. It also has graphics libraries for static as well as dynamic graphics.

History of R

R is an extension of the S-programming language, which was created by John Chambers at Bell Laboratories (formerly AT&T, now Lucent Technologies) in 1976. S was a premiere tool for statistical research, but it wasn’t very feasible outside scholarly research.

In 1992, Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman created R at the University of Auckland, New Zealand, as a tool that their students could learn and use easily. Ihaka and Gentleman released the initial version in 1995, and a stable beta version was released in 2000. Since then, it is maintained by the R Development Core Team.

Before You Start Learning R

As such, there are no mandatory prerequisites to R.But before you jump into learning R, it is recommended to have some basic knowledge of a few topics. These include:

Features of R

R is packed with many exciting features and limitless possibilities. Some key features of the R programming language:

These are just a glimpse of what R offers. But if you decided to learn R programming, then you must see some more exciting R features.

Why Learn R?

Why one should learn a specific technology is a good question to ask. Is it worth my time and effort? R is among the most demanded scripting languages when it comes to data science.

Here are a few reasons why learning R is a must for a data scientist:

If you prefer an online interactive environment to learn R, then the upcoming TechVidvan R tutorials will be the easy go for the beginner. 

R vs The World

R is not the only programming language dealing with data science and machine learning. Here are a few advantages R has over the others like SAS:

Pros and Cons of R

It is a fact that every technology has positive as well as negative aspects. Here are some advantages and disadvantages of the R programming language:

Advantages of R

Disadvantages of R

Companies using R

A lot of companies in various sectors use R for a wide variety of purposes. It has a wide range of available libraries or packages, making it a literal jack of all trades. The question who can use R? Can be easily answered with …. Everyone!!


Here are some big names and industry sectors that are already using it:

Future Scope and Career Opportunities in R

In today’s day and age, the knowledge gained through the big data is crucial to a business’ survival. Recent surveys state that there are about a million jobs available for data scientists worldwide.

The R environment and community represents the cutting-edge in the field of data science. R programmers can find various types of jobs in any sector of their choice. R programmers fit well in roles like data analyst, business analyst, data visualization expert, etc..

R’s data processing and visualization abilities make it the perfect tool for business intelligence. It makes communicating a data scientist’s research to a business-minded executive very simple.

Many large and small businesses and corporations use R for one purpose or the other and are always on the lookout for talented data scientists and analysts.

But what matters here is you and not the big companies. Find out how R can help your career.


In this article, we learned the what, why and who of R, its brief history as well as its future scope, and some prerequisites for making the process of learning the R programming language smoother.

Data science is a rapidly growing industry, and the R community is leading in terms of innovation in it.

R has become a well-known name amongst programming languages. It has also become an industry standard when it comes to data science and is expected to keep growing in popularity.

After this R tutorial, explore Real-world application of R Programming.

Feel free to ask any queries related to R tutorial and our experts at TechVidvan will be happy to help you.

Keep Learning!!

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