Category: Java Tutorials

Call by Value and Call by Reference in Java

In Java, you can make calls that are based on value rather than by reference. This is called by a value when we call methods for passing values. No calls will be affected by...

Java Thread run() Method with Examples

In Java, you can call the run() method directly on a class that implements the Runnable interface. However, it’s important to understand the distinction between calling run() and start() methods on a thread. Calling...

What is Multithreading in Java

The demand for more responsive and efficient software applications is constantly growing in the ever-changing landscape of modern computing. Multithreading is a crucial concept in computer science and software development that provides a great...

Naming a thread in Java

In the realm of multithreading, efficient management and differentiation of concurrent processes become paramount. A key aspect of this management is the ability to assign meaningful names to threads, allowing developers to distinguish between...

Life Cycle of a Thread in Java

In this article, we shall take an in-depth look at the detailed phases of a thread’s life cycle and examine how threads develop, interact or contribute to its dynamic programming environment. We’ll explore each...

Priority of a Thread in Java

When using multithreading, the operating system’s scheduler assigns each thread a different level of urgency or significance before it is run. Threads with higher priority values get more CPU time than threads with lower...

Recursion in Java

Recursions are techniques for calling a function on its own. This method enables complex problems to be solved in simpler ways so that they can be dealt with more easily. It may be hard...

Sleeping Thread in Java

Thread sleeping, essentially, is the deliberate pause or suspension of a thread’s execution for a specified duration. This seemingly counterintuitive practice might raise eyebrows, as the idea of voluntarily idling a thread contradicts the...

instanceof Keyword in Java

In the world of Java programming, the ability to accurately determine the type of an object is essential for effective and reliable code. This is where the “instanceof” operator comes into play. The instanceof...

Exception Propagation in Java

Exception propagation is more than just a technical concept; it reflects the intricate interplay between code design, fault tolerance, and user experience. In the face of diverse scenarios – ranging from minor glitches to...