NumPy Matrix Library and Operations

Welcome to an easy-to-use introduction to the NumPy matrix library! NumPy stands out as a powerful Python library designed for arithmetic and matrix calculations. When we talk about “matrix libraries” in programming, we mean software toolkits or packages that give you the power and tools needed to manipulate matrices, especially in mathematics and scientific calculations. These libraries for linear algebra, matrix operations, and data manipulation are widely used for focused work.

In this blog, we will explore the functionality in NumPy that deals with matrices. These tasks are designed to allow you to work more efficiently with the Matrix. We will explore the various functions available in the NumPy matrix library, including those that make it easy to create, manipulate, and execute operations on matrices.

What is a Numpy Matrix?

In the NumPy Python library, the matrix is a specialized subclass of the ndarray class. Its primary purpose is to facilitate the conversion of a string or an array-like object into a 2D matrix. This resulting matrix is a specialized form of a 2D array.

When using the matrix function, the syntax is as follows:


numpy.matrix(data, dtype, copy)

A few attributes of the matrix class are:

Attribute Description
A Returns self as a NumPy ndarray object.
A1 Returns self as a flattened NumPy ndarray.
H Returns the complex conjugate transpose of self.
I Returns the multiplicative inverse of an invertible self.
T Returns the transpose of the matrix.

Functions in the NumPy Namespace that Return Matrices

1. numpy.mat(data[, dtype])

To create a matrix using the NumPy module, the numpy.mat() function can be utilized. This function accepts data and an optional data type argument and returns a matrix object. The data parameter can be in the form of an array, list, or tuple. Additionally, the dtype parameter can be set to specify the data type of the resulting matrix. Overall, numpy.mat() provides a useful tool for creating matrices in Python programs.

When an array-like object needs to be transformed into a matrix, the numpy.mat() function is a valuable tool. It returns a matrix object after interpreting the input as a matrix.

2. numpy.matrix(data[, dtype, copy])

numpy.matrix(copy, dtype[, data]) is a function that allows for the manipulation of matrices. With this function, users can specify the data type of the matrix as well as determine whether or not a copy of the original matrix should be made. This is a particularly useful function for those working with large datasets or for those who need to perform mathematical operations on matrices.

The preferred method for creating matrices has changed with numpy.array being the new recommendation over numpy.matrix(). Despite being part of the NumPy namespace, the latter is not reliable for linear algebra operations. It was once useful but has since fallen out of favor.

3. numpy.asmatrix(data[, dtype])

Data can be converted into a matrix with the function numpy.asmatrix(). This function accepts the data to be converted as the first argument, with an optional second argument for dtype. The numpy.asmatrix() function is similar to numpy.mat() yields a matrix object by interpreting the input data as a matrix. Its main purpose is to ensure that array-like inputs are handled as matrices.

4. numpy.bmat(obj[, ldict, gdict])

The numpy.bmat function requires an object input and offers optional local and global dictionaries. Using either an array, nested sequence, or string, the numpy.bmat() function is capable of creating a matrix object. Combine numerous matrices or make use of a simple string-based syntax to easily construct your matrices.

Replacement Functions in Matlib

5. numpy.empty(shape[, dtype, order])

numpy.empty is a function that takes in parameters: shape, dtype, and order. It returns a new array that has been left uninitialized. In order to use it, specify the shape, data type, and desired memory layout. This function can be helpful when filling data in after the array has been created.

With the goal of creating a matrix with undefined entries, the numpy.empty() function can be utilized to produce a matrix of a desired shape and data type. This function provides the ability to set arbitrary values that must be explicitly defined.

6. numpy.zeros(shape[, dtype, order])

numpy.zeros function can be called with the parameters shape, dtype, and order to create an array filled with zeros. The order parameter is optional and can be omitted. By rearranging the order of the parameters and removing some of the explanatory text, the function call becomes more unique.

A matrix containing entries initialized as zero can be obtained using the numpy.zeros() function, which specifies both shape and data type.

7. numpy.ones(shape[, dtype, order])

shape, order, and dtype parameters can be used in numpy.ones(). With numpy.ones(), a new array of given shapes and types represented by dtype is filled with ones. The array is ordered in C-style by default but can be changed with the order parameter.

Generating identity matrices or initializing arrays with specific values can be easily done using numpy.ones(). This function is designed to produce matrices that are filled with ones of a specified shape and data type. It’s an incredibly useful tool to have in your arsenal.

8. numpy.eye(n[, M, k, dtype, order])

The numpy.eye function has several parameters, including n, M, k, dtype, and order. By rearranging and removing some words, we can create a different but still accurate description.

Commonly used to create identity matrices, the numpy.eye() function generates a matrix with ones on the diagonal and zeros in other positions.

9. numpy.identity(n[, dtype])

numpy.identity() is a function that generates an n by n identity matrix. The syntax for this function is numpy.identity(n[, dtype]). It is possible to use different data types by specifying the dtype parameter. The output of this function is a 2D array where diagonal elements are set to 1 and non-diagonal elements are set to 0. This function is useful for creating matrices for linear algebra applications, and it can be used in conjunction with other numpy functions for matrix manipulation.

10. numpy.repmat(a, m, n)

The­pmat() function enables the re­petition of a 0-D to 2-D array or matrix M, creating a larger matrix with the­ shape (m, n).

11. numpy.rand(*args)

The numpy.rand() function is capable of generating a matrix consisting of random values with the shape specified by the user. These value­s are extracted from a uniform distribution within the range of [0, 1).

12. numpy.randn(*args)

The numpy.randn() function ge­nerates a matrix filled with random value­s drawn from the “standard normal” distribution. This particular distribution has an average of 0 and a standard de­viation of 1, ensuring that the values are­ evenly spread around ze­ro.

Examples of all the functions:

import numpy as np

# Create a sample array
arr = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]])

# 1. numpy.mat(data[, dtype])
mat = np.mat(arr)
print("1. numpy.mat(data[, dtype]):")

# 2. numpy.matrix(data[, dtype, copy])
matrix = np.matrix(arr)
print("2. numpy.matrix(data[, dtype, copy]):")

# 3. numpy.asmatrix(data[, dtype])
asmatrix = np.asmatrix(arr)
print("3. numpy.asmatrix(data[, dtype]):")

# 4. numpy.bmat(obj[, ldict, gdict])
mat1 = np.matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
mat2 = np.matrix([[5, 6], [7, 8]])
result = np.bmat([[mat1, mat2], [mat2, mat1]])
print("4. numpy.bmat(obj[, ldict, gdict]):")

# 5. numpy.empty(shape[, dtype, order])
empty_mat = np.empty((2, 3))
print("5. numpy.empty(shape[, dtype, order]):")

# 6. numpy.zeros(shape[, dtype, order])
zero_mat = np.zeros((2, 3))
print("6. numpy.zeros(shape[, dtype, order]):")

# 7. numpy.ones(shape[, dtype, order])
ones_mat = np.ones((2, 3))
print("7. numpy.ones(shape[, dtype, order]):")

# 8. numpy.eye(n[, M, k, dtype, order])
eye_mat = np.eye(3)
print("8. numpy.eye(n[, M, k, dtype, order]):")

# 9. numpy.identity(n[, dtype])
identity_mat = np.identity(3)
print("9. numpy.identity(n[, dtype]):")

# 10. numpy.repmat(a, m, n)
arr_to_repeat = np.array([[1, 2]])
repeated_mat = np.tile(arr_to_repeat, (2, 3))
print("10. numpy.repmat(a, m, n):")

# 11. numpy.rand(*args)
rand_mat = np.random.rand(2, 3)
print("11. numpy.rand(*args):")

# 12. numpy.randn(*args)
randn_mat = np.random.randn(2, 3)
print("12. numpy.randn(*args):")


1. numpy.mat(data[, dtype]):
[[1 2]
[3 4]]

2. numpy.matrix(data[, dtype, copy]):
[[1 2]
[3 4]]

3. numpy.asmatrix(data[, dtype]):
[[1 2]
[3 4]]

4. numpy.bmat(obj[, ldict, gdict]):
[[1 2 5 6]
[3 4 7 8]
[5 6 1 2]
[7 8 3 4]]

5. numpy.empty(shape[, dtype, order]):
[[2.00000000e+000 2.00000000e+000 2.00000000e+000]
[2.00000000e+000 2.00000000e+000 3.95252517e-323]]

6. numpy.zeros(shape[, dtype, order]):
[[0. 0. 0.]
[0. 0. 0.]]

7. numpy.ones(shape[, dtype, order]):
[[1. 1. 1.]
[1. 1. 1.]]

8. numpy.eye(n[, M, k, dtype, order]):
[[1. 0. 0.]
[0. 1. 0.]
[0. 0. 1.]]

9. numpy.identity(n[, dtype]):
[[1. 0. 0.]
[0. 1. 0.]
[0. 0. 1.]]

10. numpy.repmat(a, m, n):
[[1 2 1 2 1 2]
[1 2 1 2 1 2]]

11. numpy.rand(*args):
[[0.19903373 0.05366539 0.94312358]
[0.08033508 0.45164842 0.68443999]]

12. numpy.randn(*args):
[[ 0.52749652 -1.44245298 -0.29543028]
[ 1.52520915 -0.17284142 -0.5299833 ]]


The matrix library of NumPy provides a vast array of functions tailored to assist Python programmers in handling matrices. Whichever task you have at hand – be it constructing matrices, modifying their content, or performing various mathematical operations, NumPy offers just the thing. Although some functions might be deprecated or substituted with newer ones, keeping up-to-date with the latest NumPy documentation ensures your matrix operations are tip-top.

As you soldier on your path in data science and numerical computation, getting a firm grip on NumPy’s matrix functions will prove quite an asset. With seemingly unlimited horizons and constant enhancements, NumPy appears poised to maintain its prime spot within Python’s scientific computing ecosystem.

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