Reasons to learn C Programming Language

As time went by, new programming languages were introduced. These different programming languages help you to achieve various different goals. You can learn different types of languages and also you can specialize in them. If you are a beginner or you are planning to learn a programming language. then you should start learning the C programming language. let us learn the reason why you should learn C Language.

Reasons to learn C Language

Following are some of the important reasons and applications of learning C in the first place.

1. Builds a strong foundation of programming

Some say that C is the core of all programming languages. Learning C does not mean that you will only learn how to code in C but you will also learn how that program or code gets executed on a computer. You will learn about memory mapping. That’s why it builds a strong foundation of programming.

2. Efficient Coding

The execution time of a C program is fast and the syntax of the C programming is simple. C also helps you in efficient and clean coding. These codes can be easily executed by the processor.

3. Minimal Distractions

C is a procedural programming language. So, you cannot implement various useful concepts of object-oriented programming such as inheritance, polymorphism etc. If you want to start learning object-oriented programming, you will first have to learn procedural programming.

4. Embedded Programming

C is one of the primary languages for embedded programming. The C programming language can be used to control the operation of hardware. It is also used in controlling the microcontrollers. Microcontrollers and embedded programming are used in automotive, Robotics, Hardware etc.

5. Versatile

The C programming language is versatile. You can execute a C program code in any operating system. It is platform-independent. It is considered that C is the boss of hardware programming. With the help of C, you can code or program different types of hardware such as robots and electronic appliances of the house.

6. Easy to learn and Apply

The syntax of the C programming language is easy to learn and implement. You will find various resources on the internet regarding the C programming language. With the help of C, you can easily learn high-level programming languages. You can learn C fast even if you have zero knowledge of programming.

7. Fundamentals of Computer programs

With the help of C, you can develop programs such as computer architecture, operating systems, computer networks etc. These are based on the C programming language.

8. A middle level language

C programming language is a middle-level language. Using the C programming language, you can write operating systems and you can also do application-level programming. It also reduces the gap between low-level and high-level programming languages.

9. Less Execution Time

The C programming language is fast and efficient. C offers fast compilation time to their users. In C, programs and codes get executed faster than any other programming language. C does not include additional processing overheads like garbage collection or avoiding leaking of memory.

10. Few Libraries

Compared to other programming languages, the C programming language includes few libraries. So, It will help you in learning the C concepts because you have to write some codes from scratch. From that, you can solve various types of analytical and mathematical problems on your own which will help you to build your analytical skills.


In this tutorial, we discussed the reasons to learn the C programming language. We also stated the important reasons to learn the C programming language in the first place. C programming is being used widely all over the world. If you are a beginner or you are planning to learn a programming language then you should start learning the C programming language. C is one of the oldest programming languages.

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