Robotics and Artificial Intelligence – AI Robot

“Artificial intelligence will reach human levels by around 2029. Follow that out further to, say, 2045, we will have multiplied the intelligence, the human biological machine intelligence of our civilization a billion-fold.”

-Ray Kurzweil, American inventor

AI is utilized from various perspectives inside the cutting edge world. For instance, AI calculations are utilized in Google search algorithms, GPS navigation. Most of the time, AI algorithms are just software and have nothing to do with robots.

In any event, when AI controls robots, the AI calculations are just a piece of the bigger automated framework, which incorporates sensors, actuators, and non-AI programming.

In this AI tutorial, we will learn about robotics and Artificial Intelligence.

Example of Pure AI

One of the most widely recognized instances of pure AI has a use case in games. The great case of this is chess, where the AI Deep Blue beat the best on the planet, Gary Kasparov, in 1997.

A later model is AlphaGo, an AI which beat Lee Sedol, the best on the planet Go player, in 2016. There were no mechanical components to AlphaGo.

The playing pieces were moved by a human who viewed the robot’s proceeds on a screen.

Robotics and Artificial Intelligence

Robotics is a field of science that is responsible for designing and creating machines to reduce human effort. Robots are capable of not just substituting human effort, but also sensing the environment and adapting themselves according to it.

Robots are a combination of hardware as well as software working in sync with each other.

Artificial intelligence and robotics are a strong combination for automating tasks inside and out of doors of the factory setting.

In recent years, AI has become an increasingly common presence in robotic solutions, introducing flexibility and learning capabilities in previously rigid applications

Components of AI Robot

Components of AI Robot

To build an AI robot we need the following parts−

1. Power Supply

Every electronic device draws power from an electric source. AI robots are no different from their power sources being batteries, solar power, hydraulic.

The robots need power to supply the voltage signals that make the motors turn, the sensors operate and therefore the robot brain.

2. Actuators

Actuators are the components responsible for converting the electric energy of the source to mechanical energy.

They became an important a part of the automated system, as they assist with controlling equipment using hydraulic, pneumatic or in a number of the cases electronic signals.

3. Electric motors (AC/DC)

Motors have the application for the rotation movement required by the robot.

The smaller motors and drives are integrated into robotics systems,  helping to bring new levels of efficiency and productivity to more compact robotic solutions

4. Pneumatic Air Muscles

These are arm devices that extend or contract and are operated with the help of pressurized air. These are very lightweight because their main element may be a thin membrane.

This enables them to be directly connected to the structure they power, which is a plus when considering the replacement of a defective muscle.

5. Muscle Wires

Muscle wires are a temperature-dependent conductor of electricity that turns harder when an electric current is passed through it. It has a unique ability to contract on demand.

6. Piezo Motors

These types of motors undergo rotational movement on the application of an electric field.

Piezoelectric motors use the converse piezoelectricity of piezoelectric sensors, during which deformation or vibration of the piezoelectric material produces an electrical charge.

A circuit makes acoustic or ultrasonic vibrations within the piezoelectric material, which produce linear or rotation.

7. Sensors

Sensors are devices to detect various signals in the surroundings. A sensor makes “sense” of property — it turns something about the physical world into data upon which a system can act.

Aspects of Robotics and AI

AI robot is a combination of both hardware and software working in sync with each other for its proper functioning. Hardware components include actuators, power supply, different kinds of motors.

The software part is where Artificial Intelligence comes into play that directs the hardware parts to function accordingly.

AI Robot Locomotion

Locomotion refers to the mechanized movements of the robots. Unlike the human body, a robot is much more restricted in nature and has a lesser degree of freedom.

Types of locomotion include:

1. Legged

This kind of movement expends more force while showing walk, bounce, jog, jump, move up or down, and so forth. It requires an increasingly high number of engines to achieve development.

It is appropriate for harsh just as a smooth landscape where unpredictable or too smooth surface causes it to devour more force for a wheeled velocity. This is minimal hard to execute due to strength issues.

It accompanies the assortment of one, two, four, and six legs. In the event that a robot has numerous legs, at that point leg coordination is important for headway.

2. Wheeled

It requires less number of engines to accomplish a movement. This mechanism enables a robot to maneuver rapidly and requires less energy in comparison to other sorts of robotic locomotion mechanisms.

Generally, these robots are less immune to derailing and consume less power while using narrow wheels. It is minimal simple to actualize as there are fewer solidness issues in the event of a progressive number of wheels.

This is power effective when contrasted with legged motion.

3. Combination of Legged and Wheeled Locomotion

As the name suggests, this movement involves legged movement in sync with the wheeled movement

4. Tracked slip/skid

In this sort, the vehicles use tracks as in a tank. The robot, guided by the moving tracks with various speeds the equivalent or inverse way. It offers soundness due to enormous contact territory of track and ground. It offers stability due to large contact area of track and ground.

Difference in Robot Systems and AI Programs

The difference between Robotics and AI is as follows

AI Programs

  • AI programs are in the form of software.
  • The method of input is in the form of code.
  • They can be accessed upon desktops and laptops.


  • Robots are a combination of both hardware and software.
  • The method of inputs is in the form of analog signals.
  • Specific to the work, specialized robots have to be assigned.

Applications of Artificial Intelligence Robotics

a. Industries

In industries, we deploy AI robots’ purposes like assembly lines, CNC mill machining processes, machining processes, packaging of finished goods, etc.

b. Healthcare

Robots with the help of AI can now perform highly complicated surgeries with a high degree of precision.

c. Exploration

AI robots are an alternative in places where human lives are at risk. For example, for deep-sea mineral exploration, AI robots are perfect.

d. Transportation

For transporting humans from one place to another without any external aid, we can use AI robots.


These are the basics about Robotics and Artificial Intelligence, how they are different, and how they can be used for a wide variety of applications.

The real-world applications of Robots are going to witness exponential growth as it gets powered by AI and widens its influence across sectors. The future of mankind is going to be an exciting place to be.

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