Serialization in Java – Concept that Cannot be Missed

Welcome back to TechVidvan Java Tutorial series. In our last tutorial, we discussed Packages in Java. In this tutorial, we are going to learn the process of Serialization in Java and Deserialization in Java.

We will cover both Java Serialization and Deserialization with real-time examples and programs. And, also the advantages and disadvantages of Serialization and Deserialization in Java.

So, let us start with the concept of Serialization and Deserialization in Java.

Serialization and Deserialization in Java

Serialization and Deserialization in Java

The basic concept is that we will convert the object into the form of a byte array and we will send that byte array to the server that we will again convert this byte array into the object.

Basically the process of converting the object into the byte stream is called Serialization; we say that we serialize the object into the byte array. And, when we convert the byte stream back to the object then we call it Deserialization; we say that the byte stream is being deserialized to the object.

Java Serialization

Serialization in Java is a process of writing the state of an object into a byte stream. We need to convert an object into a byte stream because the byte stream is platform-independent.

So we can use this advantage by serializing an object on one platform and using the byte stream on different platforms. In order to serialize an object, we need to implement the interface.

The technique of Serialization in Java is mainly used in technologies like RMI(Remote Method Invocation), EJB(Enterprise Java Beans), JPA(Java Persistence API), and Hibernate, etc.

To serialize an object into a byte stream, we need to call the writeObject() method of the ObjectOutputStream class. Interface

The is a marker interface that adds a Serializable behavior to a class that implements it.

ObjectOutputStream class

The class ObjectInputStream is a high-level stream that contains the methods for serializing an object into a byte stream. The ObjectOutputStream class writes objects and primitive data types to an OutputStream.

The rule is that we can write only that object to the streams that support the interface.

Constructor of ObjectOutputStream class

We use the constructor of the ObjectOutputStream class that has the following syntax:

public ObjectOutputStream(OutputStream output) throws IOException 

This constructor creates an ObjectOutputStream that writes to the specified OutputStream.

Important Methods of ObjectOutputStream class

There are some important methods in the ObjectOutputStream class that help us to serialize an object. These methods are listed in the following table:

S.N Method Description
1. public final void writeObject(Object obj) throws IOException {} This method writes the specified object to the ObjectOutputStream class.
2. public void flush() throws IOException {} This method flushes the current output stream object.
3. public void close() throws IOException {} This method closes the current output stream object.

Java Serialization Example

To understand the working of Serialization in java, we will first create a class that implements the Serializable interface. We will create a class Teacher. This class implements the interface and has 2 members and one constructor.

package com.techvidvan.serialization;
public class Teacher implements Serializable
int id;  
 	String name;  
 	public Teacher(int id, String name)
{ = id; = name;  

Now after this, we will serialize the object of the Teacher class. To accomplish this, we will use the writeObject() method of ObjectOutputStream class that is used to serialize the object into a byte stream. We will store the object’s state into a text file myFile.txt.

Serialization in Java

package com.techvidvan.serialization;
public class Serialization
 	public static void main(String args[])
  			//Creating the object  of Teacher class
  			Teacher t1 = new Teacher(101," John");  

  			//Creating the byte stream and writing the object into a file 
  			FileOutputStream file = new FileOutputStream("myFile.txt");  

  			ObjectOutputStream output = new ObjectOutputStream(file);  
//closing the stream  
System.out.println("Successfully created a byte stream and written it in the specified file");  
catch(Exception e)


Successfully created a byte stream and written it in the specified file

Deserialization in Java

It is the reverse process of Serialization which converts the created byte stream back into the state of the object. The method used to deserialize a byte stream into an object is readObject() method of ObjectInputStream class.

ObjectInputStream class

An ObjectInputStream is a high-level stream class that contains methods that help us in deserializing a byte stream back to the state of the object. It deserializes the objects and primitive data that are written using an ObjectOutputStream.

Constructor of ObjectInputStream class

We use the constructor of the ObjectOutputStream class that has the following syntax:

public ObjectInputStream(InputStream in) throws IOException 

This constructor creates an ObjectInputStream that reads from the specified InputStream.

Important Methods of ObjectInputStream class

There are some important methods in the ObjectInputStream class that help us to deserialize an object. These methods are listed in the following table:

S.N Method Description
1. public final Object readObject() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException{} This method reads an object from the input stream.
2. public void close() throws IOException {} This method is used to close the object of  ObjectInputStream.

Example of Deserialization

Now it is the time to convert the byte stream that we created in the previous program into the object.

Deserialization in Java

Let’s see the code to deserialize an object:

package com.techvidvan.deserialization;
public class Deserialization
     public static void main(String args[])
  			//Creating stream to read the object  
                        ObjectInputStream input = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream("myFile.txt"));  
 			Teacher teacher = (Teacher)input.readObject();  
                        //printing the data of the serialized object  
  			System.out.println(“The id of the teacher is:”;  
                        System.out.println(“The name of the teacher is:”; 
                        //closing the stream  
                catch(Exception e)


The id of the teacher is: 101

The name of the teacher is: John

Java Serialization with Inheritance (IS-A Relationship)

If the parent class implements the Serializable interface, then all its child classes will also be Serializable automatically. To understand this concept, let’s take an example:

Parent class:
package com.techvidvan.serialization;
class Employee implements Serializable
      int id;  
      String name;  
      Employee(int id, String name) 
  = id;  
  = name;  
Child class:
package com.techvidvan.serialization;
class Teacher extends Employee
     String subjectName;  
     double salary;  
     public Teacher(int id, String name, String subjectName, double salary) 
  		this.subjectName= subjectName;
 		this.salary = salary;;  

Now we can easily serialize the object of the Teacher class that extends the Employee class. As the Employee class is Serializable, the Teacher class will automatically become Serializable without implementing the Serializable interface.

Java Serialization with Inheritance (IS-A Relationship)

If a class refers to another class, then all the references of the classes must be Serializable, otherwise Serialization can not take place. And, unfortunately, a NotSerializableException will be thrown at runtime. Let us learn it with example:

First Class:
public class SalaryDetails
     String post;
     double salary;  
     public Address(String post, double salary)
     {   = post;
                this.salary = salary;
Second class:
public class Employee implements Serializable
        int id;  
 	String name;  
        SalaryDetails salary;	   //HAS-A  relationship
 	public Employee(int id, String name) 
        { = id;  
  = name;  


Since SalaryDetails is not Serializable, you can not serialize the instance of Employee class.

Advantages of Serialization

1. To save/persist the state of an object.
2. To travel an object across a network.

Advantage of Java Serialization

Java Serialization with the static data member

If our class contains any static data member, it will not be serialized because static is the part of the class not the object.

package com.techvidvan.serialization;
class Student implements Serializable
        int id;  
 	String name;  
        static String collegename = "SVV University";    //We can’t serialize the static member
        public Student(int id, String name) 
        { = id; = name;  

Java transient Keyword

There are some cases when you don’t want to serialize any data member of a class but also include it in the code of serialization. In this case, you can mark or declare that member with the transient keyword which will restrict the member from being serialized.

package com.techvidvan.serialization;
class Student implements Serializable
        transient int id;  	//Making id transient so that it cant be serialized
 	String name;  
        public Student(int id, String name) 
        { = id; = name;  

Now, the transient member id can not be serialized. When we deserialize the object, then you will get the values of only name or other non-transient members. But the value of id as default will be returned. In our case, it will return 0 as default value as id is of int type.


The serialization process at runtime associates an id with each Serializable class which is known as SerialVersionUID. It is used to verify the sender and receiver of the serialized object. The sender and receiver must be the same. To verify it, SerialVersionUID is used.

The sender and receiver must have the same SerialVersionUID, otherwise, InvalidClassException will be thrown when you deserialize the object. We can also declare our own SerialVersionUID in the Serializable class.

To do so, you need to create a field SerialVersionUID and assign a value to it. It must be of the long type with static and final. It is suggested to explicitly declare the serialVersionUID field in the class and have it private also.

For example:

private static final long serialVersionUID=1L;

Now, the Serializable class will look like this:

package com.techvidvan.serialization;
class Student implements Serializable
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 123L;  
        int id;
 	String name;  
        public Student(int id, String name) 
        { = id; = name;  


Serialization in java and Deserialization in java are very important concepts. These concepts take you one step ahead of being an advanced java developer. This article gave you a complete guide of serializing and deserializing an object.

We need to implement the Serializable interface of the package in order to use Serialization. We also discussed many special cases of Serialization with examples.

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