Category: Python Tutorials

read display and save image with opencv

Read, Display and Save Image with OpenCV

A wide range of tools is provided by OpenCV, an open-source library for computer vision and image processing. It is essential for reading, displaying, and saving images because it provides a simple and efficient...

open cv and computer vision

Computer Vision and OpenCV

OpenCV – A library of programming functions for real-time computer vision is called (Open Source Computer Vision). Intel created it, and Willow Garage is now responsible for its upkeep.OpenCV is written in C++ and...

open cv features

Open CV Features That You Must Know

In this tutorial, we will learn about exciting features of OpenCV thta every one must know. But before we start with, let’s see what is OpenCV? What is OpenCV? OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision)...

computer vision techniques

Computer Vision Techniques

We can see, process, understand, and act on anything we can see or any visual input as humans; in other words, we can see and understand any visual data. But how can we do...