Category: Sqoop Tutorials

Top 3 sqoop books

Sqoop Books to Learn Apache Sqoop

“So many books, so little time.” There are various books available for each and every technology. But selecting the right one is a tremendous task. To get hands-on experience on any new technology you...

Sqoop HCatalog Integration

Sqoop HCatalog Integration

In this article, you will explore each and everything related to the Sqoop HCatalog Integration. The article will first provide an introduction to Sqoop HCatalog Integration. Then you will see the new command-line option...

Sqoop supported databases

Relational Databases Supported by Sqoop

Apache Sqoop transfers data between the relational Databases (which has JDC connectivity) and the Hadoop ecosystem (HDFS, HBase, Hive). In this article, you will explore different types of relational Databases supported by Apache Sqoop....

Sqoop import mainframe

Significance of Apache Sqoop Import Mainframe Tool

The Sqoop Import Mainframe is a tool for importing all the sequential datasets in a partitioned dataset (PDS) on the mainframe to the HDFS. This Sqoop Tutorial first explains what Sqoop Import Mainframe is,...

Sqoop Merge

Sqoop Merge Tool to Combine Datasets

Sqoop Merge tool is for combining the two datasets. There are many other insights available for the Sqoop Merge. The article will explain what Sqoop Merge is, its syntax, arguments, and much more. So,...

Sqoop- List Tables

List Tables in Apache Sqoop with Arguments

Sqoop List Tables is a tool for executing the ‘SHOW TABLES’ query against the particular database. In this Sqoop List Tables tutorial, you will learn what it is, purpose, syntax, arguments, and examples. So...

Sqoop Codegen

Sqoop Codegen Command with Syntax and Examples

Sqoop Codegen is a tool that generates the Java classes that encapsulate and interpret the imported records. The article has explained the entire concept of Sqoop Codegen along with its syntax and arguments. Let...