Python vs Java – Difference Between Python and java

Among the most commonly used computer languages are Java and Python. Python is more straightforward and easy to learn than Java, which is the speedier of the two. Each is well-known, consoles, and a member of a sizable, welcoming community. But the similarities stop there. When comparing Python vs Java, keep in mind that each language has a variety of applications and advantages and disadvantages to take into account.

Python: The direct route

Python is more adaptable, easily readable, and has a cleaner syntax than Java, despite being faster. This widely used, interpretive language is the fourth-most popular coding language, as per Stack Overflow.

According to HackerRank, it’s the second-most sought-after programming language that recruitment agencies look for when selecting candidates.

According to ZDNet, over 11 million coders use Python, primarily for the Internet of Things, machine learning, and deep learning projects. Python’s usage has increased dramatically over the previous several years.

According to SlashData’s “State of the Developer Nation,” Python has also experienced a growth rate of 25%, gaining 2.5 million programmers to its network between 2020 and 2021.

Describing Python

Ever since its initial release in 1991, Python has been around. Guido van Rossum created the programming language intending to make the code readable. Python’s simplicity and the simplicity with which many programmers may learn the language are two of its primary motivating factors. It is an object-oriented language, which implies that each command is executed by running the code line by line through interpreters.

Python has a more succinct syntax than Java, which makes it faster and simpler to understand the language and evaluate scripts. Instead of compiling the program code before running it, you insert lines directly into the terminal as you type.

Python gives programmers the freedom to use several programming idioms while writing code. You might use it for workable and introspective computing in addition to object-oriented programming because it is so flexible.
It’s well-liked among programmers for both back-end and application development.

Because of its large libraries, which include Scikit-learn and Pandas, it’s also a favorite choice for people involved in machine learning. It is the coding language used to create many of the top digital products and platforms that we use nowadays, including YouTube, iRobot machines, and Google Search.

Perks of using Python

Python’s adaptability is very hard to match, and just because of its flexibility, experimentation it is encouraged. This prevents programmers from being restricted to creating only a certain kind of application. You can create fresh and unique things with just one language that you learn.

Python is referred to as the most flexible programming language by Computer Weekly, which also notes that “Python will consistently get the task done well” notwithstanding the possibility of a workable alternative for any given issue. Python also has the following benefits:

1. Python is cross-platform, just like Java, so you can use it on Windows, Linux, macOS, and other operating systems. All you’ll need is a platform-specific interpreter.

2. Python is quick and user-friendly for development since it has dynamic typing. Additionally, it employs asynchronous programming, which allows every piece of the program to execute independently, and to deal with situations and obstacles more quickly.

3. Necessary actions and instructions are supported by its extensive library. Additionally, it has code that may be used for a variety of tasks, like creating documentation, unit testing, and CGI.

4. Because Python is so simple to learn and has one of the biggest and most active communities, you must be capable of developing programs in just a few minutes after downloading it for free.

5. According to NetGuru, Python seems to be more efficient than Java due to its dynamic typing and simple syntax. It also provides integration features and management abilities that can increase the productivity of programs.

Limitations of using Python

Python is a powerful programming, interpreted language that is performed line-by-line, making it one of the quickest and easiest languages to learn but also one of the slowest to use. Python performs more work while the code is being executed, making it less suited for use in applications where speed is important. Python’s slower nature won’t probably be a problem, though, if performance isn’t a critical factor.

Additional negative aspects involve:

1. Python’s Global Interpreter Lock only permits one thread to run at a time, so if you’re developing a multi-threaded CPU-bound program, it will probably run much slower. An efficient remedy is to use multiprocessing software instead of multithreaded software.

2. Python may be used for mobile applications effectively and simply, however, you’ll have to invest a little more work to discover libraries that provide you with the required framework.

Java: The quicker route

Java is the undisputed champ when it comes to speed. This general-purpose, compiled language is the sixth most popular programming language, as per Stack Overflow. Furthermore, according to HackerRank, it is currently the third-most sought-after programming language by recruiting managers. The platform independence and relative simplicity of learning Java are the main factors for its sustained appeal.

Describing Java

Since 1995, Java has existed as a software language and platform. Since its introduction, it has grown to be among the most widely used languages among programmers and web developers. It is an object-oriented, general-purpose language. Java is your speedier alternative because it is a sequence of instructions, in contrast to Python.

Programming in compiled languages, like Java, results in the direct conversion of the code to machine code. This gives us a wide range of control over hardware features like CPU consumption while enabling the processor to operate much more swiftly and effectively.

Big data, Android app development, and web development all use Java extensively. Utilizing it in cloud systems is also gaining popularity (IoT). Developing enterprise-level web apps and microservices is also facilitated by Java. Many businesses, including those in the medical services, educational, finance, and even government sectors, use Java to create their web applications. Today, prominent companies like Spacex and Facebook use Java.

Perks of using Java

Java has many benefits, two of which are speed and effectiveness. It’s also regarded as one of the simpler programming languages to learn. One does not need to spend much time studying the operations compared to using a low-level language since many procedures of such an elevated language run automatically. Considering the number of hours you can spend learning and practicing, you must be capable of mastering it rather quickly.

Java has many other advantages, such as:

1. It is simple to write due to the clear syntax. It employs automatic memory allocation and is less complicated than other programming languages like C++.

2. As long as your computer does have the JVM platform, users might use Java on a variety of platforms, such as Windows, iOS, and Linux.

3. It is object-oriented and provides a more logical method for developing large projects since you can build classes that include data, functions, and objects that are members of those classes. Additionally, it offers adaptability, simpler troubleshooting, and the capacity for code reuse.

4. It features a sizable global community, which is beneficial whether you’re understanding Java or have any issues.

5. With Java, you may execute many threads simultaneously. To improve efficiency and performance when executing several processes, they utilize the same memory space.

6. It is safe because Java doesn’t use explicit references, runs in a virtual environment called a sandbox, checks for unlawful code using byte-code verifiers, and offers security in addition to Java privacy module and operated security checks.

Limitations of using Java

Consider its shortcomings before considering if Java is the appropriate language of programming you can start with. One of Java’s primary drawbacks is that it consumes a lot of memory—significantly more than Python.

Additionally, Java uses garbage collection to manage its memory after an object is no longer referenced by the application you’re working on. It is removed from memory by Java’s garbage collector, although other threads must pause for the garbage collector to complete its task. The action affects the application’s overall performance.

Additional drawbacks include:

1. It doesn’t give users the ability to control waste collection: You won’t be able to manage garbage collection as a programmer using methods like free() or delete ().

2. It includes a significant number of terms: Despite being straightforward, Java frequently contains a large number of words, leading to complicated explanations and statements.

3. If you’re using it on desktops, it doesn’t appear native: There are several graphical user interfaces (GUI) builders for Java, however, they aren’t the greatest for developing intricate desktop UI. Java performs worse in terms of user interface and experience when used on a desktop computer as opposed to a mobile device.

The best GUI builder that one may use for a project may be among the numerous available, but one will have to do a significant amount of research to locate it.

Comparison Between Python and Java

Feature Python Java
Speed Python is generally slower than Java Java is generally faster than Python
Ease of use Python has a simpler, more intuitive syntax, making it easier to learn and use Java has a more complex syntax, making it harder to learn and use
Dynamically Typed Python is dynamically typed, meaning that the data type of a variable is determined at runtime Java is statically typed, meaning that the data type of a variable must be declared at the time of writing the code
Popularity Python is widely used in scientific computing, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and other fields, and is also popular for web development and scripting Java is widely used for building enterprise-level applications and Android mobile app development
Platform Independence Both Python and Java are platform-independent and can run on Windows, Mac, and Linux. Java code needs to be compiled. Both Python and Java are platform-independent and can run on Windows, Mac, and Linux. However, python code runs in interpreter mode


We can infer that the Java and Python programming languages each have advantages of their own. It is entirely up to us how we decide which language to use for our project. Java is swifter and more portable than Python, which is short and to the point. Java is statically coded, but Python scripts are flexibly coded.

We can see Python’s future and assume that it will be successful. Python is far from flawless, but if we consider it a modern and emerging language, we must also acknowledge Java’s existence and the widespread use of its APIs.