Android Attendance Management System with Source Code
Attendance plays a vital role in figuring out the person’s attentiveness and activeness. Whether it’s a school or college or a workplace, attendance is often required to keep track of their students and employees. Earlier, we used to have registers or regular A4 sheets, which our teachers and instructors used to take attendance.
With the changing times, we have come up with a new and exciting way of tracking attendance. So from this article, you will see an app using which the teachers can take the students’ attendance and keep track of their attendance.
Seems difficult? Actually not. It’s pretty easy if you go through the article thoroughly. So let’s start building the Online Attendance App.
(Design an Image like above. Give the title of the project. Use the below screenshot of the app. )
About Online Attendance App:
The Online Attendance App is an android application that allows teachers to take attendance of the students registered in their class. It’s an excellent alternative to the hectic old registers or sheet method. It promotes paperless environments and also makes the task easier. Using the app, the students can self-track their attendance too. Let’s see a few prominent features of the applications.
Features of Online Attendance App:
1. You can log in as a teacher or as a student to the app.
2. If you are a teacher, you can see all the available classes on your screen.
3. A teacher can create classes and add students to that class.
4. A teacher can select a student and mark him present or absent.
5. Students can see the total number of working days and the days he was present and absent.
The flow of the Android Online Attendance Application:
You need to understand the various screens and their use before proceeding with the development of the Online Attendance App.
- Welcome Screen – You need to provide the users(student or teacher) with a welcome screen having the title “Welcome To Online Attendance App.”
- Login Screen – You need to provide a login screen in your attendance application to allow the users to log in. Also, offer the option to select the role of a teacher or a student.
- Available Classroom Screen – The Available classroom Screen contains the list of all the available classrooms for the teacher. The teacher can select the classroom and take the attendance for that particular classroom.
- Student Home Screen – A student can view his attendance, the number of days he was present or absent, and can even ask permission and sign out from the application through this screen.
- Create Class Screen – Using the create class screen, the teacher can create new classrooms and add students there.
- Add Students Screen – Using the Add Students Screen, the teacher can add students to a particular class.
- Teacher Attendance Screen – Using the Teacher Attendance Screen, the teacher can mark a student as present or absent for that class.
- Teacher Profile Screen – In the Teacher Profile Screen, the teacher can see their details and sign out from the application.
Project Requirements:
The online attendance app is simple but requires you to know the following. After you are ready with the following prerequisites, you will find the application’s build very easy and manageable. So, let’s see the requirements for the online attendance application.
1. Android Studio and its SDK tools knowledge
2. Firebase Authentication and Real-Time Database Knowledge
3. Firebase Recycler View
4. Android Activity and lifecycle
5. XML and layout designing
6. Android UI elements
7. Java and Object-Oriented Programming
Download Attendance Management System Android App Code
Please download the source code of android attendance management system: Attendance Management System Android App Code
Description of the project:
Before actually going through the final implementation of the online attendance app, you need to understand a few terms. These are related to the files and packages present in the source code of the application.
We will provide you with the source code of the online attendance app later, and after opening that project, you may find it difficult to understand a few terms. So to avoid the late trouble, we are making it clear now itself.
1. Manifest File – The online attendance app project files have a manifest file where all the app permissions and declarations are present.
2. Gradle File – The Gradle file consists of many dependencies of the libraries that have been used to build the Online Attendance App.
3. MainActivity – The MainActivity file is the first activity of the attendance application.
4. Resources – The res folder contains various resources that behave as assets for the online attendance app. The files present inside the res folder are colors, strings, layout, and styles. By changing their values, you can customize your application.,
5. Firebase – Firebase is a cloud-based backend tool using which the attendance app is deployed. It provides the app a real-time database and also a feature to authenticate the user.
6. Picasso Library – Picasso is a third-party library used in the attendance app to display profile pictures.
Steps to implement the Project:
So, I hope you understand what an online attendance app is and are ready to implement it. So, to make the process easier for you, we have attached the source code of the online attendance app along with this app. The source code of the online attendance app has comments to guide you through every line present in the code.
Below are the steps you need to follow appropriately to access and run the project in your system.
Step 1: Head over to the link above to get the source code of the online attendance management app. After opening the link, you need to download the zip file of the project.
Step 2: Extract the downloaded zip file and then open your android studio. Select open an existing project in your Android Studio and then open the attendance app project through it.
Step 3: Let the files load in your Android Studio and then go to tools and select Firebase. Now add Firebase auth and firebase real-time database.
Step 4: Now go to the Firebase console using the below link and then enable firebase authentication from there.
Step 5: Now, rebuild your attendance project and then run it on your device or emulator.
Android Attendance Management System Output
You can notice the output of the Attendance app as follows:
Login Screen of your Online Attendance Management App
Student Home Screen of your Online Attendance Management Android App
So from this article, you got to know about the modern way of taking attendance. You came across an exciting and valuable online attendance management application in Android. You saw the features and the flow of the attendance. Later on, you came across the requirements you need to fulfill to develop the online attendance app. Finally, you saw how you could implement the online attendance project on your own and even got the project source code for your assistance.