Category: Django Tutorials

Python Django Project – Online Car Rental System

Online Car Rental System An online car rental system is a digital platform that allows individuals or businesses to rent vehicles over the Internet. It facilitates the process of finding, booking, and managing car...

Learn Django

Django Tutorials Django Introduction Django Features Pros and Cons of Django Django Architecture Django Installation Process How to Create Django Project Django MVT Architecture Django Project Structure and File Structure Django Applications | Popular...

serving static files in django

Django Static Files and Templates

Static assets such as CSS, Javascript, and fonts must be managed in any modern web application. Django gives us a lot of freedom and flexibility when it comes to organising and providing static files...

django form handling and validation

Django Form Handling and Validation

In this article, we will learn about forms in Django, form handling and validation. Let’s start!!! What are forms in Django? Forms are a set of HTML elements used to collect user input. In...

django ajax

A Step-by-Step Guide to Using Ajax in Django

Hello and welcome to our next fascinating topic, in which we’ll look at alternative ways to use AJAX in a Django project. In this tutorial, we’ll use both class-based views and function-based views. Several...

Creating Views in Django in Just 5 Simple Steps

Creating Views in Django in Just 5 Simple Steps

The view component of the model view controller (MVC) architecture is responsible for presenting data to users for consumption and viewing. Views are Python functions or classes that accept a web request and generate...