Category: R Tutorials

Lattice Package in R

Lattice Package in R with Functions and Graphs

Lattice is a powerful and elegant data visualization package for R programming, with an emphasis on multivariate data. It is inspired by trellis graphics.  In this article of TechVidvan’s R tutorial series, we are...

Performance Tuning in R

Performance Tuning in R- For Efficient R Programming

In this article of the TechVidvan’s R tutorial series, we are going look at several techniques to improve R code and its performance. We shall discuss various factors that help in improving the performance...

Saving Graphs to Files in R

Saving Graphs to Files in R in Easy Steps

In the previous tutorials, we have been learning about various kinds of graphs and plots in R. In this chapter of the TechVidvan’s R tutorial series, we are going to look at how saving...