Category: Machine Learning Tutorials

Human Pose Estimation using OpenCV & Python

In object detection technology, we can detect Humans, but we can’t say the activity of that human. But in Human pose estimation technology, we can detect humans and analyze the posture of that particular...

Image Segmentation using Machine Learning

You may have heard about object recognition and object detection which places a bounding box around specific detected objects in an image. But there’s another technique that can provide an exact outline of a...

face detection recognition opencv python

Real-Time Face Detection & Recognition using OpenCV

Nowadays face detection is a very common problem. Face detection is also called facial detection. It is a computer vision technology used to find and identify human faces in digital images. Face detection technology...

air canvas opencv python project

Create Air Canvas using Python Open CV

We know that artists create paintings on a canvas. But what if we can paint on air just by waving our hands. So, in this project, we are going to build an air canvas...

Real-time Hand Gesture Recognition using TensorFlow & OpenCV

Gesture recognition is an active research field in Human-Computer Interaction technology. It has many applications in virtual environment control and sign language translation, robot control, or music creation. In this machine learning project on...