TensorFlow Projects for Aspiring Data Scientists – Take Your Career to the Next Level

TensorFlow is one of the easiest platforms to use and if you are a complete beginner we need to start with the perfect way to learn TensorFlow and that would be by doing some projects. In order to understand and know what kind of projects you can learn using TensorFlow, this article will give a detailed insight into all the tensorflow projects that you can work on.

Creating Game-Changing AI Solutions with TensorFlow Projects

1. Handwritten Text Recognition project using Tensorflow

Tensorflow Project – Handwritten Text Recognition can be executed using TensorFlow. The system is taught on the dataset and the model can identify the text in the pictures of segmented expressions, words or phrases. A neural network model was seen to indicate recognition with a character or symbol error rate of about 10%. This model can accurately find and distinguish letters with a success rate of 75%.

2. Self-Driving MarioKart with TensorFlow

Tensorflow Project – This scheme utilizes TensorFlow to teach an agent to play the famous fun game MarioKart. In this project, the model has been prepared using the MNIST dataset to develop a self-reliant robot that can explore the grid of Sudoku to be curious and solve the Sudoku issue, and serve the entire grid.

3. Sudoku Solver

Tensorflow Project – In this project, the hardware of the robot utilizes Raspberry Pi 3 with a camera that obtains the picture of the grid at the start. This grid is preprocessed operating picture processing methods to achieve the Sudoku grid.

The grid is then segmented into different packages. Image recognition technology is shown on these packages utilizing a neural network by TensorFlow to obtain a numerical indication of the grid to summarize.

4. Vehicle Detection ML Project with TensorFlow

Tensorflow Project – This is one of the interesting Tensorflow projects. To detect, search, and count vehicles, this project employs TensorFlow Object Counting API and also has more features such as what type of automobile, color detection, and size of the vehicle.

We can also predict, the speed of a car using OpenCV through manipulation of pixels and calculation. This whole process of using the model involves diving the video into frames and then predicting the results.

5. DeepSpeech TensorFlow Project

Tensorflow Project – This project employs TensorFlow to change speech to text. DeepSpeech is a speech-to-text model and the performance of this project is done using TensorFlow. This project can run on a variety of devices in a real-time environment such as Raspberry Pi and high-power GPU servers.

6. Neural Style

Tensorflow Project – The neural style is the process of changing the style of one picture into another. In this project, we can all kinds of image or video style transfers using neural networks.
We have a reference style picture, such as an artwork by a well-known artist or pattern, and the input image that includes the range you want to style, you could receive a picture formed in the kind of the style picture.

7. Object Recognition using TensorFlow

Tensorflow Project –This project uses a TensorFlow classifier that can identify up to 1000 objects. Additionally, users can then place up a retraining hand to bring unique pictures and prepare a separate model. This model can even be utilized to create a text classification technique employing TensorFlow.

8. Music Recommendation System using ML

Tensorflow Project – In this project, we utilize the dataset from the music streaming service to create a more fitting music recommendation system. We will try to decide which unique song or which contemporary or new artist a listener might like established on their previous choices. The main goal of this dataset consists of which song has been listened to by which user and at what moment. In this project, the prediction is given a point of 1 if the user has listened to the same song within a month

9. Iris Flowers Classification Project

Tensorflow Project – This project uses a dataset that has many numeric features and ML beginners ought to figure out how to load and manage data. As a beginner in this field, This is one of the numerous straightforward machine learning projects. This iris dataset is very fast which operates into the memory and does not need any particular modifications or scaling, to start with.

10. Social Media Sentiment Analysis by employing dataset of Twitter

Tensorflow Project – A sentiment analyzer understands different sentiments behind content or a tweet through machine learning and expects the same using AI.

Using the Twitter dataset, we have a combination of tweet contents and other connected data like hashtags, retweets, location, and user profiles. The Twitter dataset has 31,962 tweets and is 3MB in size.

Using Twitter data you can discover what the tweet is saying about a subject whether it is about movies, elections, or sports. This model can help you understand data mining and how to classify tweets as positive or negative and yield results accordingly.

Source Code: Sentiment Analysis using Python

11. Customer Purchase Prediction Project

Tensorflow Project –Coupon Marketing is a method used by companies to attract consumers to purchase their products.

By studying the response of consumers to various types of coupons, it is likely to choose their prospective behavior and interest in different coupons. This can help the companies when users sign in to provide new opportunities with their coupen. Machine learning devices and processes can be involved to investigate customer use conduct for different coupons and in that way, achieve coupon purchase prediction. This helps develop a more suitable recommendation system.

12. Loan Eligibility Prediction

Tensorflow Project Idea –Loans form such an essential component of many of our lives, it would be very useful to indicate the eligibility for a loan that someone uses so that there can be more useful planning outside the loan being supported or rejected.

The model is prepared for selecting a loan eligibility forecast which has to be trained to utilize a dataset that consists of data including data such as income, sex, gender, income, occupation, qualifications.

13. Coupon Purchase Prediction Machine Learning Project

Tensorflow Project Idea –Ever since the e-commerce industry boomed, customers are still peeking for thrilling exchanges and they are exploring super-saving coupons. There are now certain websites that make vouchers for such clients.

In this project, we can learn about data munging in machine learning, planning bar plots, pie charts, and histograms to imagine data.

14. Person Activity Recognition utilizing Smartphone Dataset

Tensorflow Project – This machine learning project aims to make a classification model that can specifically recognize human fitness exercises, workouts, and activities. This project will allow you to solve multi-classification issues.

15. Signifying Interest Levels of Person in terms of Rental Listings

Tensorflow Project Idea –Moving through lengthy lists of choices on rental places can take up a lot of time by conducting a sentimental analysis on the spectators for different rental areas, it is feasible to choose their responses towards specific places and therefore, comprehend the favor of houses that are there for rent.
This can also allow indicating the inquisitiveness of new homes that are to be recorded. This learning is helpful to the landlords so that they can prepare ahead based on the predictions for the number of queries expected.

16. Pneumonia Detection Project

TensorFlow Project Idea – In this Project, we will detect Pneumonia. You can create this Project using libraries such as NumPy, Matplotlib, OpenCV, TensorFlow, and Keras, which will classify whether the patient is normal or suffering from Pneumonia by looking at Chest X-ray images.

Source Code: Pneumonia Detection

Tensorflow Projects for Beginners:

17. Driver Demand Prediction Project

Tensorflow Project Idea –This project is used to predict the driver’s demand of the driver.

A regression model will have to be created and utilized to translate this time-series issue. Once the training model is organized, testing of the spot will function on it.

18. Fake News Classification with TensorFlow

Tensorflow Project – The speed at which data journeys have drastically expanded. Due to the unsubstantial magnitude and speed of data travels across the internet, it is not feasible to take every report clip and have it analyzed by an expert.

So a model can be designed to determine fake news by using techniques based on Natural Language Processing are presented to recognize fake news in real-time and stop the spread of misinformation.

19. Market Basket Study

Tensorflow Project – Market Basket Analysis can be used for targeted promotions, personalized customer recommendations, and cross-selling.
This can be achieved by analyzing what kind of products the customer is purchasing and, based on their purchases, if there is a chance that the user would by-product ‘X’ provide a discount on it.

20. Plant Species Identification

Tensorflow Project – This machine learning project interests utilizing machine learning algorithms to accurately determine 99 plant species through the binary leaf pictures and evaluated characteristics. These attributes include figure, margin, and texture.

21. Speech Emotion Recognition using TensorFlow

Tensorflow Project – The Speech Emotion Recognition(SER) system was determined, which is a combination of different frameworks and works based on investigating audio signals to remember emotions.

In this project, we will utilise the hearing part of speech which contains pitch, jitter, style, etc.

22. Ultrasound Nerve Segmentation

Tensorflow Project Idea – In this model, we accurately determine the nerve networks in ultrasound pictures that can assist in choosing the source of the pain. The nerve networks have to be interpreted as accurately as feasible since this research deals instantly with a patient’s life.

This machine learning project concerns collecting pictures that include nerves that do not display any signs of deterioration to correspond them with nerves that display symptoms of abnormality, which could indicate pain. Pictures will have to be split into a matrix for research.

23. Avocado Price Prediction with Machine Learning

Tensorflow Project – The model is developed to predict forthcoming prices based on data gathered of past expenses established on geographical location, climate changes, and seasonal availability of avocados.

24. Time Series Forecasting in Python

Tensorflow Project – This project is used for analysis that can also help to determine abnormalities in the data by following random events and deciding what has driven them. While monitoring a time series, specific practices in event occurrence may be followed which can be utilized to organize the series.

25. Build alike Images Finder using ML

Tensorflow Project – This is one of the purposes of this intriguing machine learning project. The purpose here is to click a photograph and be shown with more images that check the content in the actual image. It is essential in this project for the system to accurately identify outcomes founded on the image. The model has to be prepared to recognize and notice identical pictures so that the last model can choose pictures that check the actual image automatically and accurately

26. Resume Parser in Python & ML

Tensorflow Project – This machine learning can be used to help in scanning through resumes. This reduces manual work but also increases efficiency. A resume parser can be made to parse the needed domains and rank the applicants established on their resumes.

Simple & Easy Tensorflow Machine Learning Projects for Aspiring Data Scientist

27. NLP based ChatBot

Tensorflow Project – If you are a newbie in NLP looking for a machine learning project to investigate this subdomain, then creating a chatbot will be the right choice of project to operate on.

You can utilize the famous NLP library in Python: NLTK along with neural networks to create your own chatbot from scratch using different techniques in NLP like Lemmatization, POS Tagging, Tokenization, Bag-of-Words model, etc.

Source Code: Chatbot with Python & Artificial Intelligence

28. Dogs and Cats Classification with TensorFlow

Tensorflow Project – The dogs and cats project is a task that needs you to train your model with pictures of cats and dogs to create a classification scheme that can differentiate between these pictures.

29. Object Detection Machine Learning Project with TensorFlow

Tensorflow Project – This machine learning project aims to determine a specified object and observe the selected positions in an object.

30. Real-time Image Animation Project

Tensorflow Project – Real-time image animation is an open-source task that needs the help of OpenCV to animate a still picture.

31. Kaggle Titanic Prediction

Tensorflow Project – This deep learning project consists of a dataset of passengers who were on the Titanic. The goal is to indicate the passengers that prevailed on the Titanic.

Unleash the Power of TensorFlow: Real-World Project Ideas

32. House Price Prediction Project

Tensorflow Project – This project utilizes house price data utilizing the Kaggle House Price Prediction Dataset to decide what distinct home prices are based on price, location, area, etc.

33. Reinforcement Learning Game Player employing TensorFlow

Tensorflow Project – This project uses reinforcement learning, and therefore its training concerns understanding the game by playing against itself.

34. Plant Disease Detection Robot

Tensorflow Project Idea –In this project, the plants are classified using a model like MobileNet SSD because of their remote size. This plant disease detection robot is built using a Tensorflow-based machine learning robot, and this machine is kept in the plantation area where they go around freely detecting which plants have diseases and of what kind. The model has been trained on a training dataset that has 2000 pictures. Additionally, the project utilizes XML data to create an available map of the greenhouse and plantation area and the kind of hardware that we use is Arduino UNO and Raspberry Pi.

35. MNIST Handwritten Digits Classification Project

Tensorflow Project – The MNIST dataset contains photos of handwritten digits 0-9. The objective is to create a classification method that can identify these handwritten numbers.

Source Code: Handwritten Digit Recognition

36. Predict Next Sequence with TensorFlow

Tensorflow Project – This project aims to create and prepare a model to foretell the following digit in a series.

37. Twitter Hashtag Prediction Project

TensorFlow Project – In this project, the model will analyze tweets and then predict all of the hashtags associated with those tweets.

You can build this Twitter Hashtag Prediction using NumPy, Pandas, Pickle, nltk, TensorFlow, and Sklearn.

Source Code: Twitter Hashtag Prediction

TensorFlow Projects for Final Year Students

38. Variation Autoencoders

Tensorflow Project – Variation Autoencoders can develop fresh data equivalent to the training data. The MNIST dataset is a suitable site in order to begin with generating numbers.

39. Language Translator

Tensorflow Project – This machine learning project aims to complete a translation app that can decipher from one language to another.

40. Obtaining Old Photos Back to Life

Tensorflow Project Idea –The project is planned to correct aged degraded photos through scratch detection coloring face enhancements and other deep learning techniques.

41. Damage Assessment

Tensorflow Project Idea –This project is focused on employing satellite pictures to notice and consider the harmful worms caused in farming.

42. Smart Glasses Project with TensorFlow

Tensorflow Project –This project involves building a pair of glasses that causes it feasible for blind people to be mindful of what goes on in their direct surroundings. It is created utilizing a Raspberry pi and Google Android, while TensorFlow strengths it.

This project’s vision is that when a visually impaired person pushes the button on the device, it catches the scene’s appearance in front of them. Employing TensorFlow, the picture is examined, and the objects in the image are caught. A voice helper aids in guiding the person above all the barriers.

Advanced TensorFlow Machine Learning Projects

43. Dog’s Breed Identification using TensorFlow

Tensorflow Project – In this project, we will build a machine learning model for dog’s breed identification using numpy, pandas, opencv-python, TensorFlow, matplotlib, and sklearn.

In this ml project, we are going to use ResNet, which has a pre-trained network layer.

Source Code: Dog’s Breed Identification

44. Chatbot Using Deep Learning

Tensorflow Project – Chatbots can be executed in diverse ways and a good chatbot also uses deep learning to determine the context the person is requesting and then feed it with the appropriate response.

45. Google Brain

Tensorflow Project –Google started the Google Brain study project in 2011. Google Brain has the most extensive neural networks for machine learning with 16000 interconnected computer processors.

46. Lung Cancer Detection using TensorFlow

Tensorflow Project –Lung detection AI algorithm developed to witness lung cancer in its early stages, quickly than traditional methods can.

47. Gender Recognition Using Voice

Tensorflow Project – We can identify the gender of the individual by listening to their voice with useful accuracy. Here we have a dataset that contains the audio clips of male and female genders and then we perform feature extraction methods to provide the data into the classifying model.

48. Detecting Spam using TensorFlow

Tensorflow Project –TensorFlow project was developed to make a primary spam detection model with TensorFlow, which includes the spine of Google’s spam detector.

49. Optical Character Recognition using TensorFlow

Tensorflow Project –This project Optical Character Recognition or OCR permits the extraction of text in images even those types of text that are handwritten into text format using TensorFlow with the popular publicly available MNIST dataset.

50. Face Recognition using TensorFlow

Tensorflow Project – Convolutional Neural Network is used in this project to extract faces and utilize the Keras pre-trained FaceNet model to identify celebrities.

51. Breast Cancer Classification Project using TensorFlow

Tensorflow Project – This ML project uses histopathology pictures to notice cancer. We can create an image classification model to see if the person has cancer or not based cancer cells, as they can be easily differed from regular cells

Source Code: Breast Cancer Classification

52. Gesture Controlled Game utilizing TensorFlow

Tensorflow Project Idea –Making a gesture-controlled game by teaching a Convolutional Neural Network or utilizing the Object Detection API relying on your necessities.

53. Deep Learning in Medical Imaging using TensorFlow

Tensorflow Project – This CNN project scan for a brain MRI. We can start working on this by understanding brain tumor classification to understand Medical Imaging.

54. Real-time Hand Gesture Recognition using TensorFlow

hand gesture recognition output

Tensorflow Project – Machine Learning project to recognize hand gestures. There are many applications using Hand Gesture Recognition with TensorFlow like sign language translation, robot control, music creation, etc.

Source Code: Hand Gesture Recognition using TensorFlow


In this article, we explored various TensorFlow projects that can be implemented and achieved by Tensorflow. We also help you solve more real-time problems by taking up these projects and implementing them on your own.

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