Django Models and the Steps to Create Your First Model

In our previous article on Django’s MVT architecture, we have done an overview of what Django models are. Till now we know that models are useful for storing and maintaining data in the database.

When a user interacts with a web application through the template, then models are responsible to fulfill the user’s request. The user’s request can either be retrieving some information or making changes to the database. To get a deeper look at models we need to know first what objects are?

Object in Django

In easier words, an object is a collection of properties and actions. Confused? Just continue reading, it’s going to be very interesting.

Well, the main objective of introducing an object is that instead of writing everything as a tedious set of programming instructions, we can club everything and define how they interconnect with each other.

Let me give you an example. Just create an object Dog that will have some properties such as color, breed, and age. Then it will have some actions such as bark, eat, run.








So we aim to describe the real things in code with properties (object properties) and actions ( methods).

Django Models

Model in Django is an object that is saved in the database. A database is a place in which a user’s information is stored. We can think of a model in the database as a spreadsheet with columns (fields) and rows (data). Generally, each model represents a single database table.

You want to create a web application, right? That means there is a need to interact with the database. The retrieval and interaction with the database are achieved by knowing Structured Query Language (SQL). Does that mean you have to learn SQL? Well, the answer is no. In Django, the complex problem of SQL is easily handled by the models themselves.

Here, Django’s models provide an Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) to the database. ORM is a robust programming technique that makes working with data and relational databases effortless.

ORM simplifies the database programming by providing an easy mapping between the object ( ‘O’ in ORM) and the database that is put in use. This releases the programmer headache to know about the database structure and the task of learning the complex SQL to manipulate and retrieve data.

After the creation of the model, Dango executes SQL to generate a corresponding table in the database( as shown below in the image). Django also prefixes the table name along with the name of the Django application.

Django model


Django model creates a corresponding table in the database

‘R’ in ORM stands for Relationship. It is used to associate two tables.

The relationship is created by linking both the models with a foreign key. In the above case the ‘Empid’ field in the Employee table is a key linked to the ‘Empid’ field in the foreign table Department.

Django model

Foreign key links in Django models create relationships between tables.

This is how the ORM works. It describes the ORM way of using the model data to create a table in the database.


This is how the syntax of file appears.

from django.db import models
class ModelName(models.Model):
field_name = models.Field(**options)

Create Your First Django Model

Now we have a good idea about Django models, it’s time to discuss the steps to create your first model.

Well, installing and configuring a database is quite a hefty task, especially for beginners. The Django developers realize this and hence Django installs SQLite automatically. In this tutorial, we will use SQLite to make things unchallenging for you.

For interacting with the database, we need to download a DB Browser for SQLite. Download the standard installer according to your operating system.

Download DB Browser

Step 1: Activating Virtual Environment

Activating your virtual environment is the foremost step. Start your Windows PowerShell or Command prompt. Proceed to the directory where you have made the setup for the Virtual environment.

Activate your Virtual environment by using the following command:


Django Model Environment Setup

This activates the Virtual environment.

Change the directory to your project folder. Here it is named “TechVidvan2”.

Step 2: Create a new app

Create a new app by using the following command in your Command Prompt or Windows PowerShell.

Django-admin startapp Employee

Step 3: Install the App

After creating the app the next important step is to install it on the system.

Go to Visual Studios. Here, you can see the name of the newly created App (Employee) written above the project folder name (TechVidvan2).

Go to the file under your Project. Add ‘Employee’ ( Application_name) under the INSTALLED_APPS.

Don’t forget to add a comma after your Application_name.

Django Installed Apps

Save your changes.

Step 4: Making changes to the file

Open the file under your Application_name (‘Employee’) and write the following code in it.

Django Models.Py FIle

It is always recommended to use database-friendly names for the fields.

Each of our model fields has a related Django field type and field options. The ‘Employee’ model uses two different field types— IntegerField and CharField. Let’s understand the field options in more detail.

Line 6 and 9: The ‘Empid’ and ‘salary’ is a Django IntegerField. An integer field has a value from -2147483648 to 2147483647 which is considered safe in all databases supported by Django.

Line 7 and 8: The ‘name’ and ‘address’ field is a Django CharField. A CharField is a short line of text (up to 255 characters). Here, the max_length option sets the maximum length.

There are a lot more field types and field options. We will discuss it in upcoming articles.

Django Model Fields

The Model class’s fields are the names of the mapped table’s columns. The field names should not contain python reserved words such as clean, save, or delete, etc.
Django comes with a number of built-in field types.

Field Name Description
AutoField It’s an IntegerField that increments on its own.
BigAutoField It’s a 64-bit integer, similar to an AutoField but guaranteed to fit integers between 1 and 9223372036854775807.
BigIntegerField It’s a 64-bit integer, similar to an IntegerField but guaranteed to fit integers between -9223372036854775808 and 9223372036854775807.
BinaryField A field for storing binary data in its raw form.
BooleanField There is a true/false field in this field.

A CheckboxInput is the default form widget for this field.

CharField It’s a date, which is represented by a datetime in Python. Instance of a date
DateField In Python, a date is represented by a datetime. example of a date
DecimalField It’s a decimal number with a fixed precision that’s represented in Python by a Decimal object.
DurationField A field for storing time periods.
EmailField It’s a CharField that verifies the value is an email address.
FileField It’s a field for uploading files.
FloatField A float instance in Python represents a floating-point number.
ImageField It inherits all of FileField’s properties and methods, but it also verifies that the uploaded object is a genuine picture.
IntegerField It’s a number field. In all Django-supported databases, values ranging from -2147483648 to 2147483647 are safe.
GenericIPAddressField In string format, an IPv4 or IPv6 address (e.g. or 2a02:42fe::4).
NullBooleanField Like a BooleanField, but with the addition of NULL as an option.
PositiveIntegerField Similar to an IntegerField, however it must be positive or zero (0).
PositiveSmallIntegerField Similar to a PositiveIntegerField, but only accepts values below a specific (database-dependent) threshold.
SlugField The term “slug” comes from the newspaper industry. Slugs are brief labels that contain only letters, numbers, underscores, or hyphens. They’re commonly found in URLs.
TextField There is a large text field. A Textarea is the default form widget for this field.
TimeField A datetime.time instance in Python represents a time.
URLField URLValidator validates a CharField for a URL.
UUIDField A field for storing IDs that are universally unique. The UUID class in Python is used. This stores in an uuid data type in PostgreSQL, otherwise in a char data type (32).
Field Options

Field Options are the arguments given to each field in order to apply a constraint or impart a specific attribute to that field. If you give CharField the option null = True, it will allow you to store empty values for that table in a relational database.

The field choices and attributes that a CharField can use are listed below.

Field Options Description
Null If True, Django stores empty values in the database as NULL. False is the default value.
Blank If True, the field can be left blank. False is the default value.
db_column The name of the database column that will be used to populate this field. Django will use the field’s name if this isn’t specified.
Default This is the field’s default value. This can be a callable object or a value. If it’s callable, it’ll be invoked whenever a new object is created.
help_text Additional “help” text to be displayed in conjunction with the form widget. Even if your field isn’t used on a form, it’s useful for documentation.
primary_key If True, this field is the model’s primary key.
editable The field will not be seen in the admin or any other ModelForm if False. They’re also left out of model validation. True is the default value.
Relationship Fields

Django additionally has a set of fields for representing relationships.

Field Name Description
Foreignkey It’s a one-to-many relationship. The class to which the model is connected, as well as the on delete option, are also required positional inputs.
ManyToManyField There is a many-to-many relationship here. Requires a positional argument: the class to which the model is linked, which operates similarly to ForeignKey, including recursive and lazy relationships.


It’s a one-on-one situation. This is comparable to a ForeignKey with unique=True in terms of concept, but the “reverse” side of the relation will yield a single object.

Step 5: Making Migrations

With the above steps, we have created a model. Let’s add this to our database.

Execute the following steps,

python makemigrations

You will see a new file named ‘’ under migrations.

Django Models

SQL Query has created the above model as a Table.

Then, execute this command.

python migrate

With this, your new model is added to the database. Let’s have a look at how Django uses the model to generate SQL.

Write the following command in the terminal,

python sqlmigrate Employee 0001

You will come across an output like this:

Django Models Output

Step 6: Open the DB Browser (SQLite)

Open Django DB Model

Now click on the ‘Open Database’ and move to the directory where you have saved your Project (TechVidvan2). Select the ‘db.sqlite3’.

So, this is the newly created table.

Table in Django Models

Advantages Of  Django Models

As we have discussed earlier, a model is a link between the server and the database. These are some of the advantages of models in Django:

  • Simplicity: Using Python is not only much easier than SQL, but it is also less error-prone.
  • Explicit description: The application has to know something about the database structure that is put in use. Django provided an explicit description of the data in the application code.
  • Admin panel to create, update, delete or retrieve fields of a model.
  • Version control
  • Advanced Metadata

Built-in support for almost all the databases

Django provides a “Batteries included” approach. With Django, we can use any Relational database. We can even use cloud databases with Django, which is still lacking in many web frameworks out in the market.


This tutorial covered Django’s model in more depth and created our first Django model. We have also used the SQLite database. We discussed the advantages of the model, and have also seen how the Django models are different.
If you have any queries, feel free to comment down below.

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